Samsung S25 Audio Eraser: Crystal-Clear Video Recordings, Even with Background Noise

Capture pristine audio with the Samsung S25 Audio Eraser. Intelligent AI removes unwanted background noise for professional-sounding videos.
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Samsung S25 Audio Eraser: Crystal-Clear Video Recordings, Even with Background Noise

The Galaxy S25 series lets you easily remove unwanted sounds like wind, crowds, music, and waves from your videos.

Samsung Galaxy S25 Audio Eraser removing background noise from a video recording.
Image: Samsung

The world is a noisy place. Capturing pristine audio while recording videos on your smartphone can often feel like an impossible task. But Samsung has just changed the game with the Galaxy S25 family (S25, S25 Plus, and S25 Ultra). At the recent Galaxy Unpacked 2025 event, they unveiled a groundbreaking feature: the Audio Eraser. This innovative tool promises crystal-clear video recordings by intelligently eliminating unwanted background noise — whether it's wind, chatter, waves, or any other distracting sound.

This isn't just another noise reduction filter. Samsung is leveraging the power of advanced AI to provide a truly transformative audio recording experience. As Samsung highlighted at Unpacked, "Have you ever filmed a video, only to have it interrupted by background noise?" The Galaxy S25's Audio Eraser directly addresses this common frustration. Imagine capturing a child's birthday party without the distracting chatter of other guests, or recording a street performer without the din of city traffic. The Audio Eraser makes this a reality.

How Does the Audio Eraser Work?

Visualization of sound types targeted by Samsung S25 Audio Eraser.
Galaxy S25 Audio Eraser removebackground noises including voices, music, wind, nature sounds, general noise, and crowd noise. Image: Samsung

Samsung explained at the event that the Audio Eraser "analyzes and separates out the sounds specific to the video, so you can reduce the levels of unwanted noise." This sophisticated AI-driven process means:
  • Intelligently Identify Noise: The AI can distinguish between desired audio (like speech) and unwanted noise (like wind, traffic, or background conversations). As shown in B-roll footage at Unpacked featuring "Jon," the AI effectively detected and isolated noises like wind and waves.
  • Precisely Remove Distractions: Once identified, the AI dynamically suppresses the unwanted noise, allowing you to "lower their volume and make the voice stand out," as demonstrated by Samsung.
  • Maintain Audio Quality: Unlike simple noise reduction, the Audio Eraser aims to preserve the integrity of the desired audio, ensuring a natural and high-quality recording.

The Benefits for Everyday Users

The implications of this technology are huge for everyday smartphone users. Here are just a few examples:
  • Improved Home Videos: Capture precious family moments without the distraction of background noise.
  • Enhanced Vlogging and Content Creation: Create professional-sounding videos with clear audio, even in noisy environments.
  • Better Interview Recordings: Record interviews with clarity, even in less-than-ideal settings.
  • Clearer Voice Notes: Ensure your voice notes are easily understood, even with background distractions.

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