Apple Pencil Pro expected to launch at Let Loose Event

Apple surprises with "Pencil Pro" leak ahead of Let Loose Event! New Apple Pencil rumored with advanced features & "squeeze" gesture. #AppleEvent
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Apple Pencil Pro expected to launch at Let Loose Event

Digital artist drawing on a iPad with a Apple Pencil
Image: Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

A hot night before Apple's Let Loose Event, a new and potential hint was spotted on the company Japan website indicating a new "Apple Pencil Pro". Previously, Cook also used the term" Pencil us in for May 7" in its April X post.

Today, Apple is set to host its first event of 2024, "Let's Lose," an event entirely dedicated to the world of iPads. Earlier that night, ribu_ap712 over at X, spotted a code behind the event logo that suggests the giant company is set to refresh its Pencil future -- the name "Apple Pencil Pro," not Pencil 3. We also confirmed this with GIF alt text. The alternative text behind the event logo on the company's Japan website is significant because it uses the term "Apple Pencil Pro" several times, but in the US and other regions it uses the term "Apple Pencil". 

Apple's event logo with hidden text hinting at "Apple Pencil Pro" launch (for both Japan and US versions)
Left: Apple's Japan event logo Alt text                  Right: Apple's US and other event logo Alt text 

Apple has yet to officially confirm the details, but rumors are hitting the tech world by storm. A new Pencil Pro is expected to come with support for Vision OS and a new "squeeze" gesture that MacRumors has spotted. This new gesture will let you quickly perform tasks like adding text and shapes to drawings. With these new features, control and versatility are expected to reach a new peak. Previously, the Apple Pencil 2 provided "quick tap" functionality.

The Let Loose Event is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 7 am PT/ 10 am ET. Other than Apple Pencil Pro, new iPad Pro, and iPad Air models will also be refreshed in this event. 

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