Apple "Let Loose" Event 2024: What to Expect from the Future of iPads, Apple Pencil, and More!

Apple Event May 7th! New iPads with OLED displays, M4 chip & Apple Pencil 4 with gestures! Don't miss the future of iPad!
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Apple "Let Loose" Event 2024: What to Expect from the Future of iPads, Apple Pencil, and More!

Apple "Let Loose" event logo. This year's event is expected to focus on new iPads, including the iPad Pro and iPad Air, featuring powerful M chips and potentially OLED displays.
Image: Apple

Get ready and mark your calendar, Apple's most anticipated event of the season "Let Loose" is scheduled for May 7, 2024! The main focus of this event will be its next-generation iPad Pro. Virtual logo displays also suggest refreshing the world of the Apple Pencil and Magic Keyboards. Here's everything we know so far:

New iPad Pro: OLED Displays and M4 Chip

New Apple iPad Pro mockup featuring a sleek design with a thin bezel.
Image: Apple

The event is rumored to be entirely dedicated to iPads. The date of Apple's "Let Loose" exhibition also raised the eyebrows of many consumers, as the WWDC event is also going to be held just a month later. It looks like the company is gearing up the upcoming WWDC24 entirely for its biggest update ever 一iOS 18. Another reason for this event may be an attempt to overcome the decline in iPad sales in recent years.

The new iPad Pro is rumored to come with an OLED screen 一 provides a richer, darker, and brighter display than traditional LED and LCD screens. This will enhance the visual experience of the users. iPhone users have already experienced this OLED screen for years, now it will reportedly hit the iPad world. Rumors also suggest a sleek and thin design.

Apple is rumored to introduce its next-generation M4 chip and charge its upcoming iPad Pro. It might be possible that  This new chip is reportedly going to be its first AI processor, which will enhance performance, improve efficiency, and enhance AI capabilities. . 

iPad Air: A New Size Option and More Power

iPad Air
Image: Apple

The giant company is going to refresh the size of its iPad Air and integrate it with a new 12.9-inch size option, which is closer to the iPad Pro. But to differentiate it from the iPad Pro models, the new 12.9-inch iPad Air is going to ditch the M4 chip and charge with the M3 chip. But it will give a performance boost and an edge over its predecessor, the 10.9-inch iPad Air, which was powered by the M1 chip.

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Redesigned Magic Keyboard: Durability Meets Style

Image of Apple's Magic Keyboard
Image: Apple

Finally, Apple heard the user's feedback and is rumored to redesign its Magic Keyboard. Several users reported durability issues and unhandy experiences like laptop keyboards. The redesigned magic keyboard is expected to be covered with an Aluminium top case. The addition will not only enhance the durability but also provide the user with a laptop-like experience. Likely, the iPad Air is rumored to miss this keyboard support.

Apple Pencil V4: New Gestures and Features

Apple's Pencil
Image: Apple

As the event logo suggests, the Apple's Pencil World refresh is also a part of Apple's Let's Lose event. The Apple Pencil V4 is rumored to launch with a new "squeeze" gesture thanks to a force sensor. This gesture will provide additional functionality similar to AirPods Pro 2 and enable more intuitive interactions. According to MacRumors, the Pencil 4 will support Vision Pro Headrest.

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