iOS 18 Customization Guide: Widgets, App Placement & More!

iOS 18 lets you freely place widgets & app icons for a truly personalized iPhone experience. Plus, dark mode icons & a new color customization sheet.
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 iOS 18 Customization Guide: Widgets, App Placement & More! 

A collage showcasing key features of iOS 18: customizable app icons and widgets on the iPhone Home Screen, dark mode for app icons, a color tinting option, and the new gallery option in the Control Center
Screenshot: Apple

Apple's WWDC 2024 unveiled a game-changer for iPhone users: iOS 18 introduces unrestricted customization of app icons and widgets on the Home Screen. Here's how you can take advantage of this long-awaited feature:

Break Free from the Grid:

Say goodbye to the rigid grid layout! iOS 18 allows you to freely place app icons anywhere on your Home Screen. This means you can create unique and personalized layouts that perfectly suit your style and functionality needs. No more relying on workarounds like blank widgets to achieve a custom look!

Dark Mode Makeover:

Embrace a unified aesthetic with iOS 18's dark mode for app icons.  When Dark Mode is enabled, icons automatically switch to a dark theme for a seamless experience.

Color Your World:

iOS 18 empowers you to further personalize your icons with a brand-new customization sheet. This sheet allows you to tint icons with various colors.  For added convenience, iOS even suggests complementary colors based on your wallpaper, making the process effortless.

Beyond the Home Screen: 

iOS 18 offers even more ways to personalize your experience:

  • Revamped Control Center: The Control Center now functions as a dedicated media control center. Access home controls with a simple swipe down to the right corner. At the top, you'll also find a new gallery option, hinting at potential integration with the Photos app for quick access to images and videos.
  • Font Size Flexibility for Developers: Developers gain greater control over font size, allowing for more user-friendly app experiences.
  • Quick Actions for Notes and Camera: iOS 18 introduces a way to transform the light icon into a shortcut for the Notes app and the camera icon into a shortcut for Snapchat at lock screen.

Embrace Your Personal Style

With iOS 18, Apple is recognizing the growing desire for user personalization. This update empowers you to ditch the generic look and feel and truly make your iPhone your own. So, unleash your creativity and design a Home Screen that reflects your unique personality!

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