iOS 18 reportedly will be biggest update by Apple ever

Is iOS 18 Apple's Biggest Update Ever? AI Features & More Rumored! Siri revamp, auto-completing messages, & RCS chat for Android?
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 iOS 18 reportedly will be biggest update by Apple ever 

iOS 18 reportedly will be biggest update by Apple ever

In the era of AI, Apple is reportedly working on various AI features to bridge the gap between Android smartphones like Samsung which recently launched its latest smartphones ahead of the Google Pixel 8 and Pixel smartphones. The phone has set a trend by introducing AI generative features in the Galaxy S24 series.

It is expected that this latest update to be announced at Apple's annual WWDC event which to be held in June this year. Back in November 2023, Bloomberg reported a newsletter titled "Apple Is Taking Extra Care With ‘Ambitious’ iOS 18 Update" and the latest report by Mark Gumman in its latest newsletter suggests that the sentiments  about iOS 18 have not changed.

"I’m told that the new operating system is seen within the company as one of the biggest iOS updates – if not the biggest – in the company’s history", Mark's says in its recent newsletter.

Although Gumman's did not give more information about the features of iOS 18, we know some features like 一 "Smarter Siri", as previously he reported that Apple is revamping Siri with a new AI system. We are expecting Apple to launch two new features for Siri and Messages that how can auto-complete sentences and field questions. 

RCS support could also be a major feature spotted on iOS 18, as Apple plans to add RCS support for standard iOS in 2024. This support for the messaging app will improve the messaging experience between iPhone and Android phones with various features 一 high-resolution photos and videos, Audio messages, Typing indicators, and Wifi-Fi messaging between iPhones and Android devices. 

Apple said, " RCS Universal Profile will offer a better interoperability experience when compared to SMS or MMS". The company also added, "This will work alongside iMessage, which will continue to be the best and most secure messaging experience for Apple users".

Along with this, Apple is expected to be looking at bringing "Auto-generated playlists" (which was launched by Spotify with the collaboration OpenAI earlier this year) for Apple Music with different new features. iOS 18 expects to introduce new "Generative AI" into development tools like Xcode, improving the efficiency of writing new applications more quickly. This looks like the services provided by Microsoft's GitHub Copilot, which gives auto-complete code suggestions.

We're still unsure about many features, as we're still four months away from iOS 18's launch. We will be sure to post more feature news when it arrives.

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