WhatsApp Update: Level Up Your Calls with 32 Participants & Streamlined Chat Transfer

Upgrade your WhatsApp calls! Join 32-person video chats, watch videos together, & transfer chats between phones easily. #WhatsAppUpdate #VideoCalls
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WhatsApp Update: Level Up Your Calls with 32 Participants & Streamlined Chat Transfer

WhatsApp icons on a smartphone screen
Amin Moshrefi / Unsplash

The best way to stay connected with your friends and family.

Exciting news for WhatsApp users! The popular messaging app has just unveiled a series of upgrades that significantly enhance the video calling experience.

WhatsApp now allows a whopping 32 participants in a single call, bringing it on par with Apple's FaceTime. This opens doors for larger gatherings, whether it's a virtual family reunion, a team meeting with a dispersed workforce, or simply catching up with a big group of friends.

Calling all movie buffs and binge-watchers! WhatsApp's screen sharing feature has received a major boost. You can now watch videos together with your call participants. Imagine catching up on the latest shows, sharing hilarious cat videos, or virtually enjoying a tearjerker movie with loved ones – all while staying connected on the call.

Ever been in a crowded video call where you can't tell who's speaking amidst the background noise? WhatsApp understands your struggle! The new "speaker spotlight" feature automatically highlights the person currently speaking during a call. This is a lifesaver for large group calls, ensuring everyone stays focused on the conversation.

Meta, the company behind WhatsApp, is introducing the Meta Low Bitrate (MLow) codec. This technical advancement improves call reliability, particularly for users on older devices or with weak internet connections. MLow promises superior audio quality even in less-than-ideal situations, making your calls smoother and clearer.

There's a buzz about a potential new feature that could revolutionize switching phones.This new feature reported in the most recent WhatsApp beta for Android release. Rumors suggest WhatsApp is developing a way to transfer your chat history between devices without relying on Google Drive backups. This could involve scanning a QR code, simplifying the entire process and making data migration between phones (iOS or Android) a breeze.

These updates demonstrate WhatsApp's commitment to providing an exceptional video calling experience. With larger groups, innovative features, and improved audio quality, WhatsApp is setting the bar high for the future of video communication.

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