
WhatsApp introduces Meta AI widget for home screen AI access

WhatsApp introduces Meta AI widget for home screen AI access This feature is currently being rolled out to Android users participating in the WhatsAp…

Standalone Reels App – Is this Instagram's plan to rival TikTok?

Standalone Reels App – Is this Instagram's plan to rival TikTok?  Whether the Reels app succeeds may depend on TikTok's fate in the U.S. The …

Will Instagram add a “dislike” button for comments? Test spotted

Will Instagram add a “dislike” button for comments? Test spotted The new dislike button will influence comment ranking, pushing disliked comments low…

WhatsApp video calls coming to Google Messages soon

WhatsApp video calls coming to Google Messages soon Soon, you'll be able to initiate one-on-one WhatsApp video calls directly from Google Message…

Get Ready: Ads Are Officially Coming to Threads

Get Ready: Ads Are Officially Coming to Threads Meta is currently testing ads on Threads with a select group of brands in the US and Japan. The wait …

Instagram now lets you post 3 minute long reels

Instagram now lets you post 3 minute long reels Instagram introduced this feature around the time of the anticipated TikTok ban in the United States.…

Meta Quest software update causing widespread device failures

Meta Quest software update causing widespread device failures The parent company Meta confirms they are working to resolve the software update issue.…

Never Miss a Story Again: Instagram's New Highlight Feature

Never Miss a Story Again: Instagram's New Highlight Feature You must view all current Stories in your Instagram Stories tray before unseen Story …

Instagram Unveils AI-Powered Video Editing for Reels and Stories

Instagram Unveils AI-Powered Video Editing for Reels and Stories Meta's Movie Gen AI-powered video editing feature is scheduled for release on In…

Scan, Send, Simplify: WhatsApp for iOS Gets In-App Document Scanning

Scan, Send, Simplify: WhatsApp for iOS Gets In-App Document Scanning You can easily scan documents within WhatsApp using the new in-app scanning feat…

WhatsApp introduces private group calls feature let you invite only selected members

WhatsApp introduces private group calls feature let you invite only selected members The Meta also introduces new effects for video, a new desktop ca…

Major Meta Outage: Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Threads Down Globally

Major Meta Outage: Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Threads Down Globally The Meta acknowledges this outage as a technical issue and is working to retu…

Instagram introduces new “Trial Reels” feature for creators

Instagram introduces new “Trial Reels” feature for creators The Trial reels will be available to random people on Instagram for 24 hours, excluding f…

Thread's next update will bring a new search feature for easier navigation

Thread's next update will bring a new search feature for easier navigation This new search by post and date feature will be available in the comi…

Instagram DMs Get a Location Sharing Upgrade

Instagram DMs Get a Location Sharing Upgrade This new Location Sharing feature will let you share your location to Instagram DMs for up to an hour. R…

WhatsApp Just Got a Major Upgrade: Voice Message Transcripts Are Here!

WhatsApp Just Got a Major Upgrade: Voice Message Transcripts Are Here! This new transcript feature will be available for both iOS and Android users …
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