Microsoft Paint finally Gets Photoshop-like AI Features: Generative Fill and Erase

Microsoft Paint gets a Photoshop-like AI upgrade! Enjoy Generative Fill and Erase for easy image editing.
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Microsoft Paint finally Gets Photoshop-like AI Features: Generative Fill and Erase

AI-Powered Paint and Photos: A New Era of Creativity

A green iguana perched on a branch, with the Microsoft Paint interface showing the Generative Fill tool highlighted.
Image: Microsoft

Microsoft is revolutionizing the way we edit images with the introduction of AI-powered features in Paint and Photos for Copilot Plus PCs. Generative Fill and Generative Erase, inspired by Adobe Photoshop, bring a level of precision and creativity previously unseen in basic image editing tools.

Paint's AI Transformation

Gone are the days of tedious manual editing. With Generative Fill, users can effortlessly add new AI-generated assets to their images simply by describing what they want. It's like having a personal artist at your fingertips. Generative Erase, on the other hand, is a powerful tool for removing unwanted elements from images, making them look cleaner and more polished.

Photos Gets a Supercharged Upgrade

Microsoft Photos AI-powered Super Resolution feature demonstrated, upscaling a selfie for enhanced image clarity.
Image: Micorosft

Microsoft's Photos app isn't left out of the AI revolution. The Super-Resolution feature is a game-changer for those who have blurry or pixelated images. With the ability to upscale images up to eight times their original resolution, users can now enjoy stunningly clear and detailed photos.

A Commitment to Transparency

Microsoft has taken a significant step towards transparency and accountability by implementing the C2PA Content Credentials system into Paint. This system allows users to verify the provenance of images, ensuring that they can identify AI-generated content. By doing so, Microsoft is helping to address concerns about the misuse of AI-generated images and promoting ethical practices in the digital realm.


These AI-powered features are currently available exclusively for Copilot Plus PCs. Microsoft has not announced a specific release date for wider availability.

Microsoft's commitment to AI-powered features in Paint and Photos signals a bright future for image editing. These tools not only empower users with new creative possibilities but also make the editing process more efficient and enjoyable. As AI technology continues to advance, we can expect even more groundbreaking innovations in the world of image editing.

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