Meta Brings AI Features to Ray-Ban in Europe

Meta brings AI to Ray-Ban glasses in Europe! Interact with Meta AI, get answers to questions, and experience the future of smart eyewear.
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Meta Brings AI Features to Ray-Ban in Europe

These Meta AI features is currently available for France, Italy, Ireland, and Spain .

Person wearing Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses, using voice commands to interact with Meta AI
Image: Meta

Today, Meta has finally introduced AI features to its popular Ray-Ban Meta AR glasses in select European countries, including France, Italy, Ireland, and Spain. This development marks a step forward in the evolution of AI-powered eyewear, bringing innovative technology directly to consumers.

You can now interact with Meta AI, the company's AI assistant, using voice commands to get answers to general questions. This feature is now available in French, Italian, and Spanish, in addition to English.

In its announcement blog, Meta said,” you can ask, “Hey Meta, what’s the best patisserie in Paris?” or “What are some good gift ideas for my kids aged 6 and 8?” and receive an answer instantly”.

Meta's commitment to European markets is evident, as the company has been diligently working to ensure compliance with the region's complex regulatory landscape. While the initial rollout focuses on basic AI functionality, the company aims to introduce more advanced features, such as multimodal capabilities, to European users in the future.

The European Union's stringent AI Act and GDPR regulations have presented challenges for Meta. The company has expressed concerns about the unpredictability of the AI Act's implementation and the potential impact of GDPR on AI training practices.

Earlier this year, EU regulators requested a pause on Meta's training activities using European user data to assess GDPR compliance. In response, Meta temporarily halted training while advocating for a more flexible interpretation of GDPR that doesn't hinder technological advancements.

Despite these regulatory hurdles, Meta has made progress in certain regions. The company resumed training on UK user data after incorporating regulatory feedback and subsequently introduced select AI capabilities to Ray-Ban Meta glasses in the UK and other countries. However, a clear update on the broader European rollout of advanced AI features is still awaited.

Meta further said, “We are excited to begin bringing Meta AI and its innovative features to parts of the EU and look forward to expanding to more European countries soon.

The launch of AI-powered Ray-Ban Meta glasses in Europe signifies a significant milestone in the future of AI-enhanced eyewear. As technology continues to evolve, we can anticipate even more innovative features and capabilities being integrated into these devices. However, it's crucial to address the regulatory challenges and ensure that AI is developed and deployed responsibly.

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