WhatsApp Chat Lock: soon updating with new secret code feature

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WhatsApp Chat Lock: updating with new secret code feature

WhatsApp Chat Lock secret code feature

WhatsApp users soon able to set a secret code for Chat Lock

Meta owned WhatsApp continues to move towards modern responsiveness by introducing new tools, layouts, and security features. WhatsApp recently introduced a Chat Lock feature for the privacy of specific chats. At this time, you can just add a screen lock for the Chat Lock password, but now you can set up a secret code for your Chat Lock (now for only beta users).

Reportedly, WhatsApp is working on secret code feature for Chat Lock. WhatsApp update tracker, WABetaInfo shared a screenshot that suggests the new secret code for the chat lock. Currently, the Chat Lock feature does not fully lock your chats 一 As it is protected by screen lock which will be not good for you if someone accesses your password.

Image: WABetaInfo

With the release of Chat Lock, WhatsApp in his blog post mentions "creating a custom password for your chats so that you can use a unique password different from the one you use for your phone."  Now WhatsApp is officially working on the secret code feature in beta version for android. After the launch of new companion feature, this feature is necessary and very beneficial for those who are using their WhatsApp account on multiple devices. 

This feature gives the user more control over her chats and provides more security and privacy. It is too early and difficult to say about the launch date of this new update because it is currently under development process. Currently, Only beta users use this feature and other users will need to wait for official updates. Stay tuned and connected to get more updates and new tools information.

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