WhatsApp introduces private group calls feature let you invite only selected members

WhatsApp's new private group calls let you choose participants, plus new video effects & improved call quality!
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WhatsApp introduces private group calls feature let you invite only selected members

The Meta also introduces new effects for video, a new desktop calls tab and improved video resolution on devices for WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Update: Screenshot showing private group calls, video call effects, desktop call improvements, and enhanced video quality.
Image: WhatsApp

Meta has just rolled out significant updates for WhatsApp, focusing on enhanced control for group calls and a more engaging video experience. These changes aim to make WhatsApp an even more versatile communication tool for both personal and professional use.

Taking Control of Your Conversations: Private Group Calls

A common frustration with group calls is the need to notify everyone in a large group, even if only a few members need to be involved. WhatsApp addresses this with its new "private group calls" feature. This allows you to specifically select the participants for a group call, eliminating unwanted notifications and disruptions. This is particularly useful for planning surprises, coordinating smaller projects within larger groups, or simply having a focused conversation with select individuals.

Adding Fun to Video: New Effects for Video Calls

WhatsApp is also injecting some fun into video calls with ten new effects. These effects offer playful transformations, WhatsApp also give some example in its announcement blog ," from adding puppy ears, to taking you underwater, or handing you a microphone for karaoke." These additions aim to make your video conversations more engaging and enjoyable, adding a lighthearted touch to virtual interactions.

Streamlined Desktop Calling

Recognizing the importance of desktop communication, WhatsApp has redesigned its desktop calling interface. The updated call tab now offers a more streamlined experience, making it easier for you to start calls, create shareable call links, or directly dial a number. This improved desktop integration makes WhatsApp a more convenient option for you if you prefer working from your computers.

Improved Call Quality Across the Board

Beyond new features, WhatsApp has also focused on enhancing the core calling experience. You will now experience more reliable calls and higher-resolution video on both mobile and desktop, leading to clearer and more immersive conversations for both one-on-one and group calls.

Meta's Continued Investment in WhatsApp

These updates highlight Meta's ongoing efforts to position WhatsApp as a comprehensive communication platform. By introducing features like private group calls, enhancing video effects, refining desktop integration, and improving call quality, WhatsApp is becoming a strong contender in the communication space, offering a convenient and feature-rich experience for a wide range of communication needs.

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