How to setup a passkey on WhatsApp

Learn how to set up passkeys on WhatsApp for enhanced security. Enable passcodes & biometric authentication. Follow our guide for a secure messaging.

How to setup a passkey on WhatsApp

WhatsApp now allows users to log in with a passkey, such as facial recognition and biometric authentication, instead of the two-factor authentication.

In a September beta update, WhatsApp is working on this feature, which has been now rolled out worldwide. On Tuesday, Meta owned WhatsApp through its official X (previously known as Twitter) handle, introduced a new passkeys feature for Android user. WhatsApp announced that Android users can now use their face, fingers and passkey as a login authentication for their account.

Passkeys feature provide a reliable security for user, which is not possible with old-style two factor authentication such as OTP verification through SMS and email. This feature stores your password as a unique passkey on your device, which can be accessed through biometric authentication. Meanwhile, for setting up a WhatsApp account on your new phone not required too much time, as your passkeys will be stored in Google Password Manager, which is a good initiative by WhatsApp.

Steps of creating a Passkey on WhatsApp

For creating a passkey on WhatsApp requires following steps:

  • Launch WhatsApp on your device and tap the three dots on the right top corner. Now select the “Account” option from the menu.
Screenshot of WhatsApp account settings menu with 'Account' option selected
Image: Future
  • Select “Passkeys” from the screen menu, and then Click on "Create a Passkey" button. A message display at the bottom of the window for accessing your information.

Screenshot of WhatsApp Passkeys settings menu with 'Create a Passkey' button highlighted
Image: Future

  • Now you will be asked to create a new passkey using screen code or by creating a new PIN code.

  • A window appears, asking you to encrypt your passkey with a screen lock, either biometric or a screen code. If you’ve already set up a biometric on your phone, you can just connect it with the app. Otherwise, set a fingerprint for the app. 

Screenshot of WhatsApp passkey encryption window with biometric and screen code options
Image: Future
  • After you’ve completed these steps, you will have the option to revoke the passkey in case of creating a new passkey.

Screenshot of WhatsApp passkey options menu with 'Revoke Passkey' highlighted
Image: Future

For now, WhatsApp introduced this feature only for Android users and not for iOS users. Stay tuned and connected to get more updates and new tools information.

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