iOS 17.1 set to release on October 24

Get ready for the highly anticipated release of iOS 17.1 on October 24. Discover the exciting new features and improvements that Apple's iOS 17.1
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iOS 17.1 set to release on October 24

Apple set to release iOS 17.1 to tackle high radiation level issue on iPhone 12.

iOS 17.1 set to release on October 24

Last month, the French regulatory group ANFR declared iPhone 12 radiation level was higher than the European Union Standards for exposure. The French government also banned iPhone 12 sales in France until Apple ensured that phone radiation is safe and absorbable for the human body. Apple said to ANFR that the company will launch an update for this issue. ANFR working with Apple regarding safe exposure to radiation from iPhone 12.

While addressing the high radiation level issue, French regulatory group ANFR revealed the launch date of the updateApple set to release iOS 17.1 to address the radiation issue for iPhone 12 users on October 24, 2023.

Apple rolled out the iOS 17.1 update for French iPhone 12 beta users to ensure the electromagnetic radiation exposure to the body is less than the regulatory limit of 4 W/Kg. iOS 17.1 update has gone through 2 beta updates and now is under a third beta update. French regulatory added, "The ban on the marketing of the iPhone 12 will remain in force in France until the effective deployment of this update to the general public."

Expected Features of iOS 17.1

iOS 17.1 will not only benefit iPhone 12 users but also introduce new enhancements in Apple Music, Airdrop, Wallet app, and Action button for the iPhone 15 series users. Following are the expected enhancements to be on the new update.

Wallet app

Apple provided a new feature for iPhone users in the UK that allows them to add their debit card or credit card details in the Wallet app. This will help users in accessing the details of transactions done by them.

 Apple Music

The new update will provide a user the ability to favorite any songs, playlists, and song tracks in the Apple Music App. This will help the Apple recommendation process. User favorite songs will be saved in the library.


This update will enhance the AirDrop feature coverage area. Users will now be able to send or receive media files through AirDrop even if the devices are not close to proximity levels.

It will use Wi-Fi or cellular data when devices are not close to each other for data transfer.



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