Samsung introduces slimmer 25W PPS charger with GaN

Discover Samsung's latest innovation: A slimmer and eco-friendly 25W PPS charger with GaN technology. This compact charger sets efficiency.
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Samsung introduces slimmer 25W PPS charger with GaN 

25W PD charger body made up of recycled plastic material and supports fast charging in slim design

Samsung 25W PPS Charger with GaN - Slim and Efficient Charging Solution

Earlier today, Samsung introduced a new power adapter of 25W PD charger, which is slimmer than the normal charger with compact size and energy-saving design. This charger supports the USB 3.0 PD standard, which is much faster and the ability of transmitting power to multiples devices simultaneously, such as laptops, mobiles, and tablets 一 unlike the AC Adapter which are typically dedicated only for each device at a time.

The new 25W PD charger is made up of gallium nitride (GaN) material design, that makes charger slimmer and more portable than the silicon carbide (sic) charger. Additionally, the new 25W PD charger body part is made up of recycled plastic material, gives a unique environmental benefits.

Samsung 25W PPS Charger with GaN - Slim and Efficient Charging Solution

According to Samsung, The new 25W PD charger while not charging , can reduced standby power from 20mW to 5mW than its previous charge. So charger minimize power waste and save energy. Additionally, the charger prevents devices from overcurrent and high temperatures.

Moreover, new charger is currently available to general consumer in South Korea only. Users can purchase new  25W PPS charger with GaN from Samsung physical and online stores in South Korea from today. New charger comes with two colors Black and White. 

In South Korea, the official price of Samsung's 25W PPS charger, which includes  a USB-C cable is 33,000 won ($24), and without cable is priced at 25,300 won ($18). New charger is expected to available worldwide from next few months.

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