WhatsApp Introduces Multiple Accounts Switching on Android

WhatsApp introduces multiple accounts switching feature on Android. Easily switch between personal and business accounts for enhanced convenience.
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WhatsApp Introduces Multiple Accounts Switching on Android

Now Android Users will use their multiple accounts on one device 

WhatsApp Introduces Multiple Accounts Switching on Android
Image: TechBird

Earlier today, WhatsApp introduced a new feature of switching multiple accounts on the same device. Meta-owned company WhatsApp from its official X (previously known as Twitter) announced an upcoming feature that will enable users to seamlessly switch between multiple accounts on a single device. Previously, users had the facility to use the same account on multiple devices, this feature takes it a step further by allowing multiple accounts on one device.

This feature provides users the convenience of switching multiple accounts such as for work and for other personal messaging on one device which will eliminate the need to carry multiple devices. Telegram had a similar feature for many years, WhatsApp rolled out a multi-account feature for Android beta users in early August but then removed it. Now this feature is set to be available worldwide in the next few weeks.

How to set up multiple WhatsApp accounts on same the phone

To set up a second account, you will need a second phone number or a phone that supports Dual SIM or eSIM. Open your WhatsApp settings, click on the arrow next to your name, and Click "Add Account”.A second phone number is necessary for receiving of one-time passcode sent through SMS to gain access to a second account. After confirmation, you will be able to seamlessly use multiple accounts on the same device.

WhatsApp also mentioned that your privacy and notifications for multiple accounts can be very easily distinguished. Notifications from the multiple accounts will be separated by the phone number mentioned in the beginning.

Update November 17, 2023 2:34 AM PST: Primary image changed in this article by author.

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