Threads App Now Support Hashtags With a Twist: Without the Hash

Threads Gets "Topic Tags" - No Hash Symbol, More Focus!
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Threads App Now Support Hashtags With a Twist: Without the Hash

Threads App Now Support Hashtags with a Twist: Without the Hash
Image: Unsplash

Meta-owned social media platform Threads introduced its own hashtag feature with a slight difference from rival app X (formerly known as Twitter). Meta called these "Topic Tags" and worked on an algorithm to focus communities' interests.

On Thursday, META head Adam Mosseri announced the update via threads. In November, the first preview of the Threads tags feature was seen in Australia during a testing phase.
Unlike hashtags, the company enables users to add their own tags with spaces and special characters, which is not possible on other apps like Instagram and X(Twitter).

How to add tags on Threads

During composing a Threads post, You can add tags by typing the #symbol first, then different tags will be shown, and choose the appropriate tag (hashtag symbol will not be displayed) in contrast to their topic --the threads' users also able to create or add their own tags by manually typing in a post. But you can add only one tag in one post.

Post by @mosseri
View on Threads

The hope is this design focuses tags more on communities and less on engagement hacking, and does so while keeping @threads simple and easy to use, Mosseri says. "For everyone, it’s a great way to dive deeper into your interests. This is just one step on a much longer path to building a space that really fosters healthy conversation", added Mosseri.

Reporting harmful tags on Threads

If you suggest that any topic contains insensitive material that is harmful to you or your children, you may report under one of the reporting categories, such as scams, harassment, spam or fraud, hate speech and symbols. You can also report a topic inside.

It seems that Meta is dedicated to making the Threads app more user-friendly for users and this update will serve as a step towards its goals. It has now rolled out the tags feature globally after a month-long trial in Australia.

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