Instagram officially testing a Meta Verified feed

Explore Instagram's New Meta Verified Feed - A Game-Changer for Businesses & Users. Get the latest on Meta's innovative features.
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Instagram officially testing a Meta Verified feed

 User soon also able to see feeds from only Meta Verified users

             Image: Instagram

Meta-owned Instagram introduced a new verified subscription for users a few months ago. Previously, it was available for the New Zealand and later available for US users. In September 2023, Instagram announced a verified subscription for business accounts. Now Instagram has moved one step forward and testing a new meta verified feed another way of advertising business posts.


Meta head Adam Mosseri announced this feature through its IG updates, as shown in a screenshot posted by Alessandro Paluzzi through its official X (formerly known as Twitter) account. As Mosseri's announcement reads, "We're testing a way for people to explore their Instagram feed and reel by toggling to only Meta Verified accounts. We're exploring this as a new control for people and a way for businesses and creators to get discovered." Meta Verified toggle available under the "Following" and " Favorites" option.

The Meta Verified subscription is priced $11.99 for web users and $14.99 for subscribers who sign up within the app in most regions. The Meta Verified subscription feature does not provide ad revenue feature unlike the feature  available with X( formerly known as Twitter)  verified subscription. but Meta verification helps in engaging more peoples to your posts. Meta's head did not reveal the roll out date of Meta Verified subscription.


How to get Meta Verified subscription

To subscribe for Meta Verification, you must be meet certain eligibility criteria  you must be older than 18 years old, and a Verified subscription must be available in your region. Users who fall under the eligibility criteria need to follow the following steps.

  • To select a profile, Open the Instagram app, Go to Settings > Accounts Centre and Meta Verified and find the "Meta Verified" available  under your profile.
  • After selecting, Select a payment method for your monthly payment.
  •  The verification process requires a picture of your National Identity Card (NIC), to confirm your identity.
  • After verification approval, you will be notified and assigned a verification badge.

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