Ditch Third-Party Apps: WhatsApp rolling out its own custom sticker maker for iOS

Ditch boring, create hilarious! WhatsApp's built-in sticker maker lets you personalize pics & unleash creativity. Edit, animate, share -all in one app
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Ditch Third-Party Apps: WhatsApp rolling out its own custom sticker maker for iOS

Ditch Third-Party Apps: WhatsApp launched its own custom sticker maker for iOS

 WhatsApp recently introduced a new built-in picture-to-sticker feature. This exciting update includes better sticker organization in galleries, smoothing transitions between tools, and editing existing stickers. The company's recent move is purely to ditch the dependence on third-party apps for sticker creation. As for now, this new feature is available for iOS users.

The Meta-owned messaging app announced the update via its official X handle, officially known as Twitter, with these light-hearted and cheery words," Fun news! you can now turn your photos into stickers or edit existing stickers”. This custom sticker tool can help users to cut out important elements from their photos and create memories by sharing them with their loved ones in the form of stickers. This enhancement can also be a stepping stone for creative users to enhance their creativity.

This new update comes with various graphics enhancements, interesting animated effects, and a counter of pre-made templates that offer the ability to extract elements from images. The addition also introduces personalized stickers, letting you use draw-on elements by customizing their stickers with text, fonts, and filters. It is integrated into the native app eliminating the need to switch between apps and also provides better and smoother sharing with groups as WhatsApp says, “you’ll likely have to show the entire group chat how you did it”.

This enhancement also provides users with a secure and seamless interface for editing instead of third-party apps, where users are concerned about privacy and access to personal data. As the company claims that the chats are end-to-end encrypted, users will feel free to use them. This enhancement also improves the user experience and eliminates harmful and low-quality stickers.

To create sticker from image for iOS, you need to go to stickers section from chats, then click plus button, now choose your desired images and customize your personal sticker. As of now, it is not available for Android users, and WhatsApp has not yet made any announcement regarding the rollout for Android users. When it rolls out to Android users, we'll keep you posted.

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