iPhone 16 leaks reveal a new capture button and redesigned camera design

Leaked iPhone 16: New Camera Design, Capture Button & Pro Model Upsized! Vertical lenses, video focus, #AppleEvent rumors!
Estimated read time: 2 min
iPhone 16 leaks reveal a new capture button and redesigned camera design

iPhone 16 leaks reveal a new capture button and redesigned camera design
Image: Kinghacks365

We are still a few months away from the official release, rumors are now starting gearing up. Reliable and noted tipster Majin Bu shared an iPhone 16 CAD design through its X(formally known as Twitter).

This latest CAD suggests that the new iPhone 16 will come with a vertically aligned camera setup with two cameras, ditch the previous iPhone 15 diagonally camera layout. The 15 Pro got spatial video support last year, but it seems that Apple might be refining the camera design further for potentially improve the overall video recording experience, and possibly for a better integration with the Vision Pro headset.


Along with the changes to the camera design, the renders also show the placement of a new button called "Capture Button" below the power button on the right side of the device. The functionality of this dedicated button is reportedly similar to that of a traditional camera's shutter button. New rumors suggest that this button is press sensitive and offers more control over the camera 一 A light press on the button will start adjusting the focus and a firmer press will start video recording. We first heard about this capture button in a blog post by Kinghacks365, a trusted and reputable tech website. "A second "capture" button on the right side for taking video, and mmWave antenna below the action button on the left side in the United States," reads the blog post.

The action button was launched exclusively for the 15 Pro models, but now some insider reports also suggest that the button is making its way to all iPhone 16 variants. The iPhone Pro model is also expected to see a significant size increase to 6.9 inches, which will be the biggest size upgrade in recent years for iPhones. While the other models are likely to retain the same display sizes as their predecessor iPhone 15 models.

While these leaks offer glimpses of many of the potential features expected from the upcoming iPhone 16, there's no guarantee that Apple will translate those features into the final product. Stay tuned for updates as more information about the iPhone 16 comes out!

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