Microsoft Copilot Pro is now available in worldwide market with a one-month free trial

Unlock next-level writing with Microsoft Copilot Pro's AI tools! Free trial & worldwide access. Try advanced features for code, design & more.
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Microsoft Copilot Pro is now available in worldwide market with a one-month free trial

Microsoft Copilot Pro screenshot showing its features including creating outlines, polishing presentations, and generating new data insights.
Image: Microsoft

Microsoft plays a masterstroke by introducing an expansion of Microsoft Copilot Pro, the AI-powered writing assistant worldwide. This move is purely seen to grab the attention of all writers, programmers, and creative minds. This will allow you to use advanced innovative tools for your firsthand experience with just 20$, along with a one-month free trial period for iOS and Android. The Copilot Pro is now available across 222 countries where Copilot is available. 

If you're a Copilot Pro subscriber, you'll be happy to know that Copilot Pro is included in all free Microsoft 365 web apps (Word, Outlook, and more). The attention of smartphone users has also been captured as Microsoft has also announced that this advanced version of the AI Assistant will be coming to its app soon. "We will roll out this benefit to our free mobile apps as well as the Microsoft 365 app and Outlook for iOS and Android in the coming months," said Divya Kumar.

Features Of Copilot Pro

Advanced AI Capabilities:

The latest Pro version of Copilot AI allows the user to use advanced language models like GPT-4 and Turbo for smoother and better response time. Imagine you are writing a complex research paper and need accurate, relevant, and deeply fact-checked data, this AI integration is purely for you, as it leverages a vast knowledge base. 

Integration of AI in Microsoft 365 Apps:

As we mentioned earlier, customers with a Copliot Pro subscription are able to access AI integrated features with powerful Microsoft 365 Apps. From analyzing large databases in Excel to summarizing or composing emails in Outlook to AI-designed templates for presentations in PowerPoint. The Copilot Assistant is doing everything.

Enhanced Image Generation and Editing:

A true masterpiece for designers and content creators. The new Copilot AI Pro is capable of image generation just by passing a command, as it is integrated with the DALL-E model, but it is not finished yet, the new Generative AI feature for editing 一 creative filters To insert, and merge images. Or remove unwanted objects using the AI Erase feature, which was also recently launched for Microsoft Photos in Windows 11.

Your Personalized AI Assistant: GPT Builder

The same functionality allows users to create their own custom AI assistant with GPT Builder, which OpenAI's platform ChatGPT provides this year. This initiative is significantly targeting the desires of programmers who want to have their assistants trained on various web development tutorials and code libraries. So it will help people with real-time code completion suggestions, spotting errors, or even creating boilerplate code for common problems.

"To empower every organization to become AI-powered, we’re making Copilot for Microsoft 365 available to businesses of all types and sizes—including frontline worker plans. Customers that have Microsoft 365 F3 and F1, Office 365 E1, Business Basic, and more will be eligible to purchase Copilot for Microsoft 365 in the coming weeks", the blog reads.

You can access the Copilot Pro free trial by simply downloading the Copilot app on their Android and iOS devices. After installation, you can now access advanced features like GPT-4 Turbo and explore the innovative world.

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