Meta explains how WhatsApp and Messenger chats will work with third-party apps

WhatsApp & Messenger chat with OTHER apps! EU rules, secure transfer, Signal protocol! #WhatsApp #Messenger #EU
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Meta explains how WhatsApp and Messenger chats will work with third-party apps 

Meta explains how WhatsApp and Messenger chats will work with third-party apps
Image: Thomas Ulrich / Pixabay

Meta published a blog post explaining the interoperability of WhatsApp and Messenger chats with third-party apps while maintaining their end-to-end encryption in compliance with Article 7 of the DMA rules, which came into effect today.

Last year in June, the EU issued a regulation on the Digital Marketing Act (DMA), which include provisions for interoperability between messaging services, requires that messaging services like WhatsApp and Messenger must allow users to communicate with users of other third-party apps. In a Meta blog post, clarifies that the requirement "in year one" is for only one-to-one chat or sharing of different media like images, videos, or voice messages. But later, it will be expanded to group chats and calls.

"While Meta must be ready to enable interoperability with other services within three months of receiving a request, it may take longer before the functionality is ready for public use. We wanted to take this opportunity to set out the technical infrastructure and thinking that sits behind our interop solution", as the blog reads.

Metta says it would "prefer" that other third-party apps use the same protocol as "the Signal protocol 一 which WhatsApp has used for its E2EE (end-to-end encryption) encryption by default since 2016, and Messenger is still rolling out E2EE by default. Meta calls this protocol "the current gold standard for E2EE chats".  Meta also shared their technical arhitecture with illustration.

Meta technical arhitecture with illustration.
Image: Meta

The giant company promises that the message will remain secure in transit under E2EE, regardless of whether other use signal protocol or not. However, it does not guarantee the safety of messages once they arrive at the third-party server.

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