Microsoft Copilot For One Drive Will Fetch Your Files and Summarize Them

Microsoft Copilot for OneDrive: AI summarizes docs, finds info fast! Voice commands, outlines, & tables. Coming soon! #Microsoft365 #AI
Estimated read time: 2 min

Microsoft Copilot For One Drive Will Fetch Your Files and Summarize Them

Image: Microsoft

In this era of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now in the driving seat. Every tech giant is bringing AI to every product. Today, Microsoft revealed that Copilot for One Drive will be available in late April 2024. It's set to revolutionize the way you interact with your files一 Search and retrieve your file and simplify long documents with a summarizes feature.

Still struggling to extract key information from a large number of files and folders from OneDrive. Thanks to Microsoft, Copilot for One Drive seamlessly allows you to eject quickly. Imagine needing short and important points from long documents, just pass a command like "summarize this file" via voice or text, the AI ​​assistant will generate a document highlighting the important points. This ensures that you are well prepared with ease in no time.

Summarize the lengthy document in Copilot For One Drive
Image: Microsoft

Microsoft enables AI Assistant to easily understand many natural human language cues for seamless data retrieval. Imagine you generated a sales report a few weeks ago and now you want to retrieve data from the last quarter's sales report. Just ask Copilot with a command like "Retrieve the last quarter's sales report I worked on two weeks ago". This will save the user from having to remember obscure filenames.

Copilot will also allow you to easily add Copilot-generated summaries to documents shared with your friends, colleagues, or anyone of your choice. This will help recipients easily understand the overview or key points of the document without having to open it. "Sharing Summary will be available in March 2024 for customers with Copilot for Microsoft 365," Microsoft said.

Along with this, it also comes with other advanced features like creating outlines and tables based on your files. However, only users under the license of Copilot for Microsoft 365 license will be able to access the Copilot for One Drive. This means that you will need to pay a subscription fee to use it.

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