WhatsApp rolls out new "Search By Date" feature for finding old messages

Finally! Search by date on WhatsApp! ️ Find old messages easily on Android & iPhone. #WhatsAppUpdate #SearchByDate
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WhatsApp rolls out new "Search By Date" feature for finding old messages

Image of WhatsApp Search By Date feature for finding old messages
Image: TechBird

WhatsApp, the most popular messaging app with over two billion users worldwide, has finally rolled out a much-awaited update to enhance the user experience and compete with its rival. Meta's WhatsApp has recently unveiled a new feature 'Search by Date' to easily find your old message.

Earlier Thursday, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, announced this feature with sharing an typical content through its official WhatsApp channel. This new functionality allows you to easily find the last message you sent on a specific date with the help of the calendar shown on the screen. This innovative update is truly for the easiness brought by the company for its users, freeing them from typical types of irritative scrolling through chat history.

With this latest update, it brings a sigh of relief to those who have a large archive of chats or have been using the app for a long time. This update is available globally for Android and iPhone users. Kudos to Meta for bringing it to Mac and Web users without its typical release schedule.

WhatsApp lets you easily navigate the chat history to a message or media. Whether you're rambling about a special occasion or searching for the most important information—that funny meme you shared or an important phone number you received in a group chat last year. This functionality makes finding what you need in these easy steps.

How it works

  • Open WhatsApp, and go to the desired chat (individual or group).
  • Tap on the contact or group name at the top, and then select the "Select" option.
  • Navigate and click the "Calendar" icon (present at the top right corner for Android, bottom right for iOS).
  • Select the specific date and you will be redirected to the messages from that desired date.
Also, WhatsApp has recently paved a new way to facilitate messaging by introducing new text formatting shortcuts like bold, italic, and monospace. In the recent past, we also saw plenty of features for user convenience and a secure interface for messaging through messaging giant WhatsApp. 

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