How to Add Music to Your Instagram Profile: A Step-by-Step Guide

Add a personal soundtrack to your Instagram profile with our easy guide. Personalize your online presence and connect with followers through music.
Estimated read time: 2 min

How to Add Music to Your Instagram Profile: A Step-by-Step Guide 

Embracing Nostalgia: Instagram's Myspace-Inspired Song on Profile Feature 

A screenshot of Instagram's new profile music feature, featuring a user's profile with a song playing.
Image / Instagram


In a nostalgic nod to the early 2000s, Instagram has introduced a new feature that allows users to add a personalized soundtrack to their profiles. Much like the iconic Myspace profiles of old, this feature lets you showcase your musical tastes and create a more immersive experience for your followers.

Personalize Your Profile with Music

Adding a song to your Instagram profile is a great way to express your personality and connect with your audience on a deeper level. Whether you're a music enthusiast or simply want to add a touch of flair to your profile, this feature offers a fun and engaging way to showcase your unique style.

A Simple Guide to Adding Your Favorite Tune 

Instagram profile page showcasing a user's selected song "Taste" by Sabrina Carpenter, with a prompt to "Have a theme song?
 Have a theme song on your Profile? Image / Instagram


  • Update Your Instagram App: Ensure you're using the latest version of Instagram to access this new feature.
  • Navigate to Your Profile: Tap on your profile picture at the bottom right corner of your screen.
  • Edit Your Profile: Look for the "Edit Profile" button and tap on it.
  • Locate the Music Option: Scroll down until you find the "Music" section.
  • Select Your Song: Tap on the "+" icon to access Instagram's library of licensed music. Search for your desired track or browse through popular choices.
  • Choose a Segment: Once you've selected a song, you can choose a 30-second clip to feature on your profile.
  • Save and Share: Tap "Save" to add the song to your profile. Your followers can now tap on the song to listen to it.


Beyond the Basics: Hidden Features 


Instagram has also introduced some hidden features related to the profile music feature. Keep an eye out for special temporary Notes messages that may appear when using certain keywords or emojis related to the featured artist or song.

By following these simple steps, you can easily add music to your Instagram profile and enhance your online presence. So, go ahead and curate a playlist that reflects your individuality and make your profile stand out from the crowd.


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