Samsung in Hot Water: CEO Reportedly Blasts Mobile Team for Copying Apple

Samsung CEO furious as Galaxy Watch Ultra and Buds 3 accused of copying Apple. Design similarities spark controversy and internal turmoil at Samsung.
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Samsung in Hot Water: CEO Reportedly Blasts Mobile Team for Copying Apple

 The Samsung's Boss Jay Y. Lee, is furious over the mobile division's decision to mimic Apple's AirPords Pro 2 and Watch Ultra.

Hands On Pictue of Samsung Galaxy Buds 3

Samsung, a tech giant known for its innovation, finds itself in a storm of controversy. The recent launch of the Galaxy Watch Ultra and Galaxy Buds 3 has sparked accusations of blatant copying from Apple. Reports suggest that Samsung's top boss, Jay Y. Lee, is furious over the mobile division's decision to mimic Apple's designs. This unprecedented move by the usually gentle chairman indicates the severity of the situation.

Design Similarities

Galaxy Watch Ultra vs Apple Watch Ultra: A side-by-side comparison showcasing the design similarities

Samsung's Galaxy Watch Ultra marks a significant departure from the brand's iconic round smartwatch design. Renowned for its circular aesthetic, Samsung has unexpectedly adopted a more rectangular form factor for its latest flagship wearable.This design shift, strikingly similar to Apple's Watch Ultra, has raised eyebrows in the tech community, sparking discussions about originality and innovation in the smartwatch market.

Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 vs. AirPods Pro 2 Design Difference

The Galaxy Buds 3 has ignited a design controversy of its own. Samsung's shift to a stem-style design for its earbuds, previously synonymous with Apple's AirPods, has raised questions about the company's creative direction. While the stem design offers advantages in terms of audio quality and microphone placement, it represents a stark contrast to Samsung's earlier bean-shaped earbuds.

Samsung Boss Explodes

Sources claim that Chairman Lee has intervened in the matter, expressing deep dissatisfaction with the mobile division's actions. The internal atmosphere at Samsung is reportedly tense as the company grapples with the fallout from the design controversy. This incident is particularly surprising given Lee's reputation for a calm demeanor.


Samsung's decision to copy Apple's design language is a significant misstep. The company's reputation for innovation is at stake as it faces criticism from consumers and industry experts alike. The CEO's strong reaction highlights the gravity of the situation and raises questions about the future direction of Samsung's mobile division.

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