WhatsApp Soon Gets Instagram Upgrade: Double Tap Reactions

WhatsApp double tap reaction coming soon! Quickly respond to messages with a heart emoji. New feature inspired by Instagram.
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WhatsApp Soon Gets Instagram Upgrade: Double Tap Reactions

Meta's Messaging Giant Takes a Cue from Instagram

Alfredo Rivera / Pixabay

WhatsApp, the world's leading messaging app, is set to introduce a game-changing update inspired by its parent company's photo-sharing platform, Instagram. This feature is firstly spotted by WABetaInfo, the platform is currently developing a double-tap reaction feature, designed to revolutionize how you interact with other in chats.

This innovative feature, spotted in the latest WhatsApp beta for Android (version, aims to streamline communication by letting you to quickly express their reactions with a simple double-tap. Instead of navigating through the reaction tray, you can instantly send a heart emoji, providing a rapid and efficient way to engage in conversations.

Get ready to say goodbye to those extra taps. You can soon react to messages with lightning-fast speed. Imagine scrolling through a lively chat and being able to quickly show your excitement, laughter, or surprise with a single gesture. It's like adding a burst of energy to your conversations!

While the default heart emoji is perfect for quick reactions, WhatsApp isn't skimping on options. You'll still have access to the full range of emojis when you want to dive deeper into expressing yourself.

ScreenShot of WhatsApp new "Double Tap Reaction" feature in a chat showing a heart reaction gesture to message

But wait, there's a tiny catch. WhatsApp hasn't said anything about a "disable" option yet. So, be careful not to accidentally heart that old message you were scrolling past!

This new feature is set to make your chats more dynamic and engaging. We can't wait to see how it changes the way you connect with friends and family. Stay tuned for more updates as WhatsApp rolls out this exciting change!

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