Quest 3S: A Rebranded Quest 2? iFixit's Teardown Answers

iFixit reveals Quest 3S is mostly a rebranded Quest 2. Learn about hardware similarities and key upgrades.
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 Quest 3S: A Rebranded Quest 2? iFixit's Teardown Answers

Meta Quest 3S Teardown: Quest 2 Hardware Inside

A side-by-side comparison of the Meta Quest 3S and Meta Quest 2 headsets, showing the internal components of each.
Image: iFixit

The Meta Quest 3S, the company's latest virtual reality headset, has been a subject of much speculation and anticipation. While many were expecting a significant upgrade from its predecessor, the Quest 3, iFixit's recent teardown has revealed a more surprising truth: the Quest 3S is essentially a rebranded Quest 2 with a few enhancements.

A Closer Look at the Hardware

iFixit's experts dissected the Quest 3S, uncovering several key components that are strikingly similar to those found in the Quest 2. The headset's Fresnel lenses, IPD adjustment mechanism, and single LCD panel are all identical to its older counterpart. This revelation might come as a surprise to those who were expecting a completely new design and technology.

However, the Quest 3S does introduce a few notable improvements. One of the most significant upgrades is the addition of two IR sensors for depth mapping. This enhancement, which is a departure from the Quest 3's single depth sensor, reportedly delivers exceptional performance in low-light conditions. Moreover, the Quest 3S is powered by the same Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 SoC as the Quest 3, ensuring smooth and responsive gameplay.

A Strategic Move by Meta

Meta's decision to reuse components from the Quest 2 in the Quest 3S can be seen as a strategic move. By leveraging existing technology, the company has been able to offer the headset at a more affordable price point. The Quest 3S is priced at $299.99, making it significantly cheaper than the Quest 3, which retails for $499.99. Additionally, the use of familiar components could simplify the manufacturing process and potentially reduce costs.


While the Quest 3S may not be the groundbreaking upgrade that some had anticipated, it still offers a compelling VR experience. The headset's improved depth mapping capabilities and powerful hardware make it a solid choice for gamers and enthusiasts. Moreover, its lower price point and compatibility with existing Quest 2 accessories make it a more accessible option for those looking to enter the world of virtual reality.

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