WhatsApp introduces contact storing directly within the app, teases usernames

WhatsApp revolutionizes messaging with new features. Store contacts directly in the app, across devices. Enhanced privacy with usernames.
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WhatsApp introduces contact storing directly within the app, teases usernames

The parent company Meta finally ends dependence on contact books for WhatsApp.

WhatsApp in-app contact storage: Save contacts across devices.
Image: WhatsApp

In a move that promises to redefine the way we interact and connect, WhatsApp has unveiled a groundbreaking new feature: in-app contact storage. This long-awaited addition to the popular messaging platform marks a significant departure from traditional contact management methods, offering users unprecedented convenience and security.

Until now, WhatsApp has relied on your phone's contact book to sync and store contact information. This dependency often led to inconveniences, especially when switching devices or losing data. With the introduction of in-app contact storage, WhatsApp is taking a proactive step to alleviate these frustrations.

Cloud-Based Contact Storage

The new feature enables users to securely store contacts directly within WhatsApp's cloud-based system. This means that even if you lose your phone or switch to a new device, your contacts will remain accessible and synchronized across all linked accounts.

Enhanced Privacy and Security

WhatsApp has prioritized user privacy and security with the development of a new encrypted storage system called Identity Proof Linked Storage (IPLS). This robust system ensures that your contacts are protected from unauthorized access, providing you with peace of mind.

In a blog post meta explains, "IPLS allows you to save your contacts and automatically restore them directly through WhatsApp. With IPLS in place, you can now create contacts directly within WhatsApp and choose to sync them to your phone or securely save them only to WhatsApp – giving you the ability to create contacts that are specific to your account. If you use linked devices, this also allows you to add and manage contacts seamlessly regardless of which device you’re on".

Usernames: A New Frontier in Messaging

As we per reported, In addition to in-app contact storage, WhatsApp has teased the upcoming introduction of usernames . This feature will allow users to create unique identifiers that can be shared with others without revealing their phone numbers. This is a significant step towards enhancing privacy and making messaging more accessible.

The combination of in-app contact storage and usernames has far-reaching implications for both personal and business use. For individuals, it offers a streamlined way to manage contacts across multiple devices. For businesses, it presents new opportunities for customer engagement and privacy-focused communication.

A Milestone in Messaging Innovation

WhatsApp's latest update is a testament to the company's commitment to innovation and user experience. By introducing in-app contact storage and teasing the possibility of usernames, WhatsApp is paving the way for a more connected and secure future of messaging. As these features become widely available, we can expect to see a significant shift in the way we interact with our contacts.

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