Microsoft Pauses Windows 11 Update for Ubisoft Gamers

Microsoft pauses Windows 11 24H2 update for Ubisoft gamers due to compatibility issues with Assassin's Creed, Star Wars Outlaws, and more.
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Microsoft Pauses Windows 11 Update for Ubisoft Gamers

Windows 11 22H2 users are experiencing black and unresponsive screens on Star Wars Outlaws and other games.
Windows 11 Update Paused Due to Ubisoft Game Compatibility Issues
Windows Update is showing on the laptop. Image: Clint Patterson / Unsplash

In a recent development that has caught the attention of PC gamers, Microsoft has decided to halt the rollout of the Windows 11 24H2 update for systems with specific Ubisoft games installed. This move comes in response to a growing number of reports from users experiencing game crashes and instability after installing the latest update.

Why the Pause?

The primary culprit behind this temporary update pause seems to be compatibility issues between the new Windows 11 update and certain Ubisoft titles, including:

  • Assassin's Creed Valhalla
  • Assassin's Creed Origins
  • Assassin's Creed Odyssey
  • Star Wars Outlaws
  • Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

Users who have these games installed on their PCs have been reporting various issues ranging from game crashes to black screens, significantly impacting their gaming experience.

Microsoft's Response

Microsoft said, "After installing Windows 11, version 24H2, you might encounter issues with some Ubisoft games. These games might become unresponsive while starting, loading or during active gameplay. In some cases, users might receive a black screen".

Recognizing the severity of the problem, Microsoft has taken proactive steps to address the issue. The company has acknowledged the compatibility problems and has implemented a temporary "compatibility hold" to prevent affected users from installing the update.

To mitigate the impact on gamers, Microsoft is working closely with Ubisoft to identify and fix the underlying cause of the compatibility issues. In the meantime, Ubisoft has released a hotfix for Star Wars Outlaws to address the most critical crashing problems. However, users may still encounter performance issues with the game.

What Should You Do?

If you have any of the affected Ubisoft games installed on your PC, it's advisable to hold off on manually installing the Windows 11 24H2 update. Microsoft will likely resume the rollout once a permanent fix is in place.

Stay tuned for further updates from both Microsoft and Ubisoft as they work to resolve this issue.

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