Instagram DMs Get a Location Sharing Upgrade

Instagram DMs get a major upgrade! Share live location, assign nicknames, and use new stickers. Stay connected like never before.
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Instagram DMs Get a Location Sharing Upgrade

This new Location Sharing feature will let you share your location to Instagram DMs for up to an hour.

ive location sharing makes it easy to meet up with friends on Instagram.
Real-time location sharing in Instagram DMs. Image: Instagram

Instagram, the popular social media platform, is taking its direct messaging feature to new heights with a series of exciting updates. These new features are designed to enhance social interactions and make your conversations more engaging and personalized.

One of the most exciting additions is live location sharing. This feature allows you to share your real-time location with friends and family within direct messages for up to an hour. Perfect for coordinating meet-ups, navigating unfamiliar territories, or simply keeping tabs on loved ones, this feature adds a new layer of convenience to Instagram's direct messaging platform.

Instagram users can now assign custom nicknames to friends in group chats
Changing the name of friends in a group. Image: Instagram

But that's not all. Instagram is also introducing personalized nicknames to DMs. This fun and playful feature lets you assign custom nicknames to your friends within group chats, fostering a more personal and intimate connection.

To spice up your conversations, Instagram has rolled out 17 new sticker packs containing over 300 unique stickers. With a vast array of expressive stickers, you can add a touch of humor, emotion, or creativity to your messages. Additionally, you can create your own custom stickers using the cutout feature or generate AI-powered stickers to truly personalize your conversations.

Additionally, Instagram has recently introduced a new "recommendations reset" feature that allows you to refresh your feed and discover new content. These latest updates from Instagram demonstrate the platform's commitment to providing you with innovative and engaging tools to connect with your friends and family. As social media continues to evolve, Instagram is poised to remain at the forefront of digital communication.

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