Windows 11

Microsoft makes file sharing easier with a new 'drag tray' in Windows 11

Microsoft makes file sharing easier with a new 'drag tray' in Windows 11 A new drag tray will appear on the top whenever you select a file to…

Colorful Battery Icons Coming to Windows 11

Colorful Battery Icons Coming to Windows 11 You can now readily identify their laptop's battery status, including charging, low battery, and powe…

Microsoft Office apps will no longer be supported on Windows 10, update your pc now

Microsoft Office apps will no longer be supported on Windows 10, update your pc now You can continue receiving security updates after October 14, 202…

Critical Windows 11 Bug Blocks Security Updates: Is Your PC at Risk?

Critical Windows 11 Bug Blocks Security Updates: Is Your PC at Risk? The current solution is to reinstall Windows 11 using installation media created…

Microsoft Pauses Windows 11 Update for Ubisoft Gamers

Microsoft Pauses Windows 11 Update for Ubisoft Gamers Windows 11 22H2 users are experiencing black and unresponsive screens on Star Wars Outlaws and …

Microsoft Unveils Modern Windows Hello UI

Microsoft Unveils Modern Windows Hello UI  This new feature is currently available for Windows 11 beta users Hey Windows users, get ready to experien…

Microsoft's Copilot Key: A New Way to Launch Apps on Windows 11

Microsoft's Copilot Key: A New Way to Launch Apps on Windows 11 This new feature will soon be available for Windows 11 users Image: Microsoft Mic…

Windows 11 Update Supercharges Ryzen Gaming Performance

Windows 11 Update Supercharges Ryzen Gaming Performance Users of the currently available 23H2 version are also able to turbocharge their gaming perfo…

Microsoft is rolling out Start menu ads for all Windows 11 users

Microsoft is rolling out Start menu ads for all Windows 11 users Image: Rui Silvestre / Unsplash Earlier this Tuesday, Microsoft surprisingly starte…

Samsung Internet Browser Now For Windows

Samsung Internet Browser Now For Windows Source: Microsoft Store If you have a Samsung device and want to sync all your browsing data between your ph…
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