WhatsApp Just Got a Major Upgrade: Voice Message Transcripts Are Here!

WhatsApp's new feature, Voice Message Transcripts, lets you convert voice messages to text. Making communication more efficient and accessible.
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 WhatsApp Just Got a Major Upgrade: Voice Message Transcripts Are Here!

This new transcript feature will be available for both iOS and Android users in the coming weeks.

WhatsApp logo on a green background with speech bubbles
illustration: Tech Bird

In a move that's set to revolutionize the way we interact on WhatsApp, Meta has finally rolled out its highly anticipated feature: Voice Message Transcripts. This long-awaited addition empowers users to effortlessly convert voice messages into text, making communication more accessible and efficient than ever before. Previously, this feature was in beta testing, but now it's officially available to all iOS and Android users.

Why is this a game-changer?

Imagine receiving a lengthy voice message while in a noisy environment or simply not having the time to listen. Voice Message Transcripts eliminates these hurdles, allowing you to quickly scan the text and respond accordingly.

How does it work?

WhatsApp user interface showing voice message transcript
WhatsApp new Voice Message Transcripts feature. Image: WhatsApp

The process is incredibly simple:

  1. Receive a voice message: As usual, you'll receive the audio clip.
  2. Tap and hold: Long-press the voice message.
  3. Select "Transcribe": A new option will appear in the menu.
  4. Wait for the magic: The app will automatically generate a text transcript of the audio.

What languages are supported?

Currently, Voice Message Transcripts supports a wide range of languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Chinese, Arabic, Danish, Finnish, Hebrew, Malay, Norwegian, Dutch, Swedish, and Thai.  WhatsApp said," To get started, go to Settings > Chats > Voice message transcripts to easily turn transcriptions on or off and select your transcript language".

Rest assured, your privacy is paramount. WhatsApp claimed in the announcement blog post, "Transcripts are generated on your device so that no one else, not even WhatsApp, can hear or read your personal messages."

As of now, the Voice Message Transcripts feature is rolling out globally to all WhatsApp users. However, it may take some time to reach all users, so be patient if you don't see it immediately.

The Future of Messaging

With this latest innovation, WhatsApp is solidifying its position as the world's leading messaging platform. Voice Message Transcripts is just one of many exciting features that are likely to be introduced in the future. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more groundbreaking advancements that will transform the way we communicate.

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