Microsoft Copilot Think Deeper and voice features are now available for unlimited free use

Microsoft Copilot goes free! Unlimited Voice & Think Deeper now available. Experience powerful AI with no limits. Try it today!
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Microsoft Copilot Think Deeper and voice features are now available for unlimited free use

You need to switch to a premium subscription to Microsoft Copilot for priority access during peak hours.

Microsoft Copilot mobile interface showing chat bubbles with free unlimited Voice and Think Deeper AI features.
Image: Microsoft

The AI landscape is rapidly evolving, with companies constantly innovating to stay ahead. In a significant move, Microsoft has now removed usage limits for its Copilot's Think Deeper and voice features for free users. This means everyone can now experience these powerful AI tools without restriction, a change that took effect recently.

Microsoft announced this update in a blog post, highlighting the availability of unlimited access to both voice and Think Deeper features for its free Copilot users. The voice feature, introduced in October 2024, allows for seamless interaction with Copilot. Think Deeper, on the other hand, is a highly sought-after capability, gaining prominence after the DeepSeek R1 model's release. This feature enables Copilot to perform in-depth research before generating responses, a trend also seen in other leading AI platforms like OpenAI's ChatGPT. Microsoft's decision to offer this to all Copilot users is a strategic move.

According to Microsoft, 'As we continue to build your ultimate AI companion, today we’re excited to start rolling out even more powerful capabilities to all Copilot users with free, unlimited access to Voice and Think Deeper (powered by OpenAI’s o1 model).' For users seeking priority access during peak times, advanced models, early access to experimental features, and Copilot integration within Microsoft 365 apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, a subscription option remains available.

The key question is whether this move will resonate with users and solidify Microsoft's position in the AI race. User satisfaction will be crucial in determining its success. With the AI field constantly advancing, we can anticipate further innovations from major players like Gemini, GPT, and DeepSeek.

For those just getting started with AI, this update provides an excellent opportunity to explore Copilot's capabilities without any financial commitment. We encourage you to try out the voice and Think Deeper features and see how they can enhance your productivity and creativity.

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