WhatsApp video calls coming to Google Messages soon

WhatsApp video calls in Google Messages! Seamless one-on-one calls are coming. Learn more about this exciting integration.
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WhatsApp video calls coming to Google Messages soon

Soon, you'll be able to initiate one-on-one WhatsApp video calls directly from Google Messages with just a tap.

WhatsApp video call icon surrounding Google Messages logo, symbolizing the upcoming integration

In today's fiercely competitive tech world, where companies constantly strive for dominance, we sometimes witness a different approach: collaboration. Two major players, often seen as competitors, occasionally choose to join forces to improve the user experience. New reports suggest that Google Messages is developing the ability to make WhatsApp video calls directly from within the Google Messages app. This exciting new feature, at least initially, will allow you to make one-on-one video calls.   

The latest APK version of Google Messages hints at this integration. A discovered "WhatsApp Video Call" button suggests that users will be able to initiate these calls directly from the messaging app. Currently, Google Messages users rely on Google Meet for video communication. This new feature promises to streamline the process, especially for those who frequently use WhatsApp.

While the initial rollout appears limited to one-on-one calls, it's a significant step.  Group video calls via WhatsApp within Google Messages aren't currently planned, and for those, you'll likely continue to use Google Meet.

This move seems to, at least partially, align with the EU's push for interoperability between different communication platforms. While this integration might be a small step in the broader context of cross-platform communication, it's a positive move toward a more unified experience.

It's important to note that this integration likely won't be a full WhatsApp experience within Google Messages. Instead, it seems to be more of a bridge, a quick way to launch a WhatsApp video call.  This raises the question: what happens if you don't have a WhatsApp account? In those cases, the video call will default to Google Meet, ensuring you always have a way to connect.  You'll likely be presented with both options – Google Meet and WhatsApp Video Call – when initiating a call, giving you the choice.

When can we expect this integration? While an official launch date remains undisclosed, the fact that it's in active development suggests it could be available in the coming weeks.  Of course, software development is a dynamic process, and timelines are subject to change.

Based on current information, it's reasonable to expect this update soon. This integration represents more than just a new feature; it signifies a potential shift toward greater interoperability and a more unified communication experience.  We'll continue to monitor this development and keep you updated.   

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