Samsung Galaxy S24 confirmed to come with two-way satellite connectivity

Exciting news! Samsung Galaxy S24 to feature revolutionary two-way satellite connectivity. Stay connected anywhere with this cutting-edge smartphone.
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Samsung Galaxy S24 confirmed to come with two-way satellite connectivity

Samsung Galaxy S24 series: camera design and specification
              Samsung Galaxy S24  (Image: OnLeaks | SmartPrix)

Samsung Galaxy S24 lineup is set to be released with two-way satellite connectivity support for emergency services. Park Yong-in, head of Samsung Electronics system at the 2023 Semiconductors Expo announced that from next year smartphones support satellite connectivity, as reported by Sisa Journal-E report. However, Samsung did not specify the name of the smartphone, but it is expected that the Samsung Galaxy S24 lineup is in Q1 2024, so Samsung Galaxy S24 series will support this feature.

According to a report, Samsung Electronics announced that the company already made technical preparations to enable communication using satellites for smartphones. However, it is unclear whether the entire S24 lineup will get this or only Galaxy S24 Ultra will support this feature. Previously, in February 2023, Samsung introduced two-way satellite communication that will allow it to send and receive messages from remote areas or unreachable from terrestrial networks.

Samsung NTN Two-Way Satellite Connectivity diagram, illustrating seamless communication and data transmission via satellite technology.
              Two way Satellite connectivity | Gif: Samsung

We first saw satellite connectivity support in smartphones from Huawei in 2022, Subsequently, Apple introduced non-terrestrial network (NTN) communication via its emergency SOS satellite for the iPhone 14 series 一 iPhone 15 series also support this connectivity. Qualcomm introduced this connectivity feature  in Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 but the Galaxy S23 series does not support this feature.

With NTN two-way satellite connectivity, users will be able to send or receive images and video from unreachable areas 一 deserts, mountains, or the middle of the oceans. This will be very effective in emergency cases for sending location etc. However, it is not specified whether all previous smartphones will get this or only next year smartphones will get this feature. 

Samsung Galaxy S24 series: Rumors so far

Samsung Galaxy S24 series is expected to launch in mid-January 2024, but unofficial renders about the series are already available on the internet. Samsung Galaxy S24 lineup design is expected to same as the previous flagship with the slightest narrow bezel from the bottom. Flagship series expected to come with Snapdragon Gen3 and Exynos 2400 chipset (for other regions except the US).

Galaxy S24 Ultra is expected to come with a 200MP sensor ISOCELL HP25X main camera and a capability of zooming up to 100x. A major difference between the S24 series and its predecessor is its built body一 Titanium body is used, which is lighter in weight and stronger than the aluminum body. Keep connected to get more news about upcoming features.

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