iOS 17

iOS 17.1 set to release on October 24

iOS 17.1 set to release on October 24 Apple set to release iOS 17.1 to tackle high radiation level issue on iPhone 12. Last month, the French regulat…

Apple's iPhone 15 Pro Series witnesses screen burn-in issues

Apple's iPhone 15 Pro Series witnesses screen burn-in issues iPhone 15 pro and iPhone 15 pro max users experiencing screen  burn-in issues. Apple…

How to make a Contact Poster in iOS 17

How to make a Contact Poster in iOS 17 Now you can force your friends to stare at your giraffe Memoji whenever you call  Malak Saleh Apple official…

iPhone 15 pro max: Apple rolls out iOS 17 fix over to tackle heating issue

iPhone 15 pro max: Apple rolls out iOS 17 fix over to tackle heating issue iOS 17.0.3 update comes with overheating and other security bug fixes. App…
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