Apple's iPhone 15 Pro Series witnesses screen burn-in issues

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Apple's iPhone 15 Pro Series witnesses screen burn-in issues

iPhone 15 pro and iPhone 15 pro max users experiencing screen burn-in issues.

iPhone 15 pro

With the release of the iPhone 15 series, Apple experienced many problems regarding the phone. Alongside, overheating and battery draining issues now reportedly iPhone is facing problems regarding screen burn-in issues. In the recent past, iPhone 15 pro and iPhone 15 pro max models got iOS 17.0.3 which resolved the overheating issues.

However, some iPhone 15 pro users are still experiencing screen burn-in issues. A recent picture posted on Twitter by Tarun Vats , a well-known Tech enthusiasts, also confirmed that people are facing these issues.

Many other users also experienced this type of issue and posted it in the Apple community.  Surfphysics also experiencing this type of issue and claims that this issue comes just after 2 weeks of use of iPhone 15 pro max.

This issue also adds up to a new concerning issue for the company alongside other issues.

iPhone 15 Pro Screen Burn-in Issue
                    Apple community

What is screen Retention or Screen burn-in

According to the PiunikaWeb reports, this issue may be due to different types of issues such as screen defects by a user, an OLED screen display issue due to an extended duration of display of image, and a software bug. This report also published a screen retention fix.

How to Fix Screen burn-in

To address Screen burn-in , reported by PiunikaWeb, you can  used a screen saver regularly. Screen retention is due to the display of the image to the extended duration which causes the pixels to burn. For manually setting the screen saver Navigate to Apple Menu >System Preferences>Desktop and Screen Saver. Now manually set the screen saver according to your preference.  Adjust the menu labeled "Start after" to pick an interval shorter than the duration you’ve set for display sleep and computer sleep within the Energy Saver settings in System Preferences.

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