Chrome allow iOS users to move the Address Bar to the bottom

Customize Chrome's address bar position on iOS. Move it to the bottom for better user experience. Follow simple steps to enable this feature.
Estimated read time: 2 min

Chrome allow iOS users to move the address bar to the bottom

Chrome highly requested feature finally finds its way for iOS


Google finally launched a new feature for iOS that allows users to customize the Chrome address bar. Firstly, we saw this feature on Safari when iOS 15 rolled out. On Tuesday, Google rolled out the ability for iOS users to set the position of the Chrome address bar move the browser address bar from top to bottom, or put it back to its original location. Google did not mention whether the Android user will be able to use this feature, as for now, it is available only for iOS users.

Benefits of moving the Address Bar to bottom

This feature helps the user to easily use the mobile without stretching the finger or thumb to the top. The preference for the location of the address bar depends on the user's mobile size. In my personal experience, it's sometimes difficult to use the address bar on the top. The company released this feature to allow the user to set the location according to their ease. Opera has already allowed user an option to relocate the address bar. "We know people prefer different address bar positions depending on the size of their hands and devices, and we took those preferences into account when building this highly requested feature", the blog reads.

iOS Mobile Browser Settings: How to Move Address Bar to Bottom for Better User Experience

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How to move the Address Bar to the bottom on Chrome for iPhone?


 To move the address bar to the bottom you need to follow the following steps:

  • Open Google Chrome on your iPhone.
  • Long-press on the address bar and select the "Move address bar to the bottom" option from the drop-down menu.
  • Alternate way: Click on three dots in the right bottom corner and navigate to settings options.
  •  Now select the Address bar from settings and select the Bottom option from the menu. Finally, tap on Done button present on the right top corner.
  •  Once you complete these steps, you will also be able to revert the address bar to the top by following the same steps.

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