WhatsApp introduces new "Pin Messages" feature for iOS

Introducing WhatsApp's new "Pin messages" feature for iOS, allowing users to easily find important messages in crowded chats
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WhatsApp introduces new "Pin Messages" feature for iOS

iOS users will able to pin messages in chats and groups for up to 30 days


For a better user experience, WhatsApp is currently rolling out a new pin message feature for iOS via the TestFlight app一firstly, beta users of Android experience this feature. This feature will allow the users to pin their desired message on the top of Chat.


Meta-owned messaging app now introducing this feature for iOS, while it is already available on the TestFlight App. It is hard to see the important message in crowded groups or chats. Thanks to WhatsApp for rolling out this feature. Now users will able to see the desired message in individual or group chats without any difficulty.


For pinning a message on both individual and group chats, just need to select the message and select the Pin option. Set the period and desired message will be pinned. This feature is not like the others 一 Users can also remove a message from pinned anytime. Users can set the duration of the pinned message to 24 hours, 7 days, and 30 days, as a screenshot shared by know updates tracker WABetaInfo.

An screenshot showing the option to pin messages on WhatsApp in iOS
An screenshot showing the option to pin messages on WhatsApp | Image: WABetaInfo

This feature will be very handy for those groups and chats where it can be used to make announcements that allow members to easily access important updates and messages that have been pinned. The pin message feature in chats and groups for iOS is available for the users, who downloaded the app from the TestFlight app, and it's rolling out for other users in the coming days, as reported.


Besides this, WhatsApp is working on the Alternateprofile for enhanced user privacy. Users will be able to set a profile picture and name for selected audiences to add an enhanced layer of privacy. The Primary profile information will be available to user "contacts" only. This will provide an additional tool for securing the personal data of users on the messaging platform.


 The latest features of WhatsApp show the intention to give a platform that is safe and user-friendly for the audience. The introduction of message pinning and alternative profile features will enhance navigating through messaging and personalizing their profiles.

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