WhatsApp working on "Alternate Profile": Everything you need to know

Discover WhatsApp's Alternate Profile feature for enhanced privacy. Set alternate profiles, control who sees your info.
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WhatsApp working on "Alternate Profile": Everything you need to know

User soon able to set an alternate profile picture and name for limited audience

WhatsApp working on "Alternate Profile": Everything you need to know

Meta-owned WhatsApp is currently testing a new feature for enhancing user privacy. In the recent past, WhatsApp brought major updates for enhancing the user experience and ensuring user privacy 一 setting up a passkey, Chat lock, and Multiple accounts are major features we got from WhatsApp.

As reported by updates tracker WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is working on a new feature that allows users to add alternate profiles for enhanced privacy 一 default picture and username will be available for some users, and other profiles available to others. Users will able to manage this feature through the privacy settings of profile pictures. 

Currently, the profile picture is available to everyone, My contacts, My contacts except, and Nobody integrated by users. The new feature gives you more control over your profile information very efficiently. Now user sets up a profile picture and name for a limited person and an alternative one for others. This will add more layers of security and restrict others from stealing your profile information.

WhatsApp's upcoming alternate profile setting feature for enhanced privacy
Upcoming Alternative Profile feature | Image: WABetaInfo

How to setup an WhatsApp's Alternate Profile feature?

Once this feature is rolled out, the user will be able to set an alternate profile from Settings> Privacy >Profile Photo> Alternate Profile as reported. Once you have done this, now your designated audience will be able to see an alternate picture. Your primary information is now not accessible by others except those whom you allow. This feature is under development and yet not even available to beta users.

Besides this, WhatsApp is also working on developing new features 一 ability to Hide Locked chats from entry points, and setting up a Secret code for accessing locked chats for Android users. WhatsApp recently introduced a "passkey" feature for the elimination of typical Two-factor authentication through SMS. Stay tuned to get more news about upcoming and information regarding recently launched features.

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