Instagram Officially Adds Download Option for Reels

Instagram has finally joined the party and now allows users to download Reels, making it easier to save and share your favorite short-form videos.
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Instagram Officially Adds Download Option for Reels 

Users will download Instagram reels from public accounts

Image: Meta

Meta-owned Instagram rolled out a new most awaited feature (for some users) all around the world to download Reels for public user's accounts. Prior to this, this update was first introduced for the US, but now it is for everyone. This capability will tackle the usage of third-party apps for downloading short-form videos from this meta-social platform.

Instagram head Adam Mosseri announced this new update through his official Instagram community. Reels will be downloaded with watermarks and creator account's usernames and audio features. "You can now save reels created by public accounts to your camera roll - every reel you download will include a watermark with the creator's Instagram handle. We rolled this out earlier this year. I introduced it in the US, and now it's available globally", says Mosseri.

How to Download Instagram Reels
Image: Meta

Reels Download option for those under 18 is automatically turned off by Instagram, but still able to enable the downloading option from settings other users will find turned on by default. For the Creators side, this is also a source of advertisement for his content, but on the flip side, this is also a security concern, as original content will be copied. If Reels uploading creators disabled this feature, you will no longer be able to download those short-form videos.

For private accounts, Instagram download Reels are not supported to ensure privacy. If your account is set to private, no one will be able to download your Reels. Your content will remain secure in your follower's close community. As a remedy, if this update is not available, you can save those Reels to view later.

How to turn off Instagram Reels Download 

Those Instagram users, who don't want their Reels will be downloaded, just need to follow these steps:

  • Start by recording and editing your reel.
  • Tap Next in the bottom right corner, then Tap More options at the bottom.
  • Now Scroll down and tap Advanced Settings.
  • Scroll down to Allow People to Download Your Reels and tap the (toggle) to turn the setting on or off.
  • Select whether you want to turn on or off downloading for all reels or only for the reel you're uploading.
  • Tap the "back arrow" in the top left to go back.
  • Now tap the Share at the bottom.

If you want to allow users to download your Reels, you just need to revise those above steps. TikTok also gives its users the ability to download videos through the share menu. Besides this, Instagram recently introduced a new feature share Reels with Close Friends only  also pays way to those users who hesitate from posting feeds due to ultimate implicit social media pressure.

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