Samsung Galaxy S24 series lineup launch date and availability details reportedly leaked

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Samsung Galaxy S24 series lineup launch date and availability details reportedly leaked

The Galaxy S24 series reportedly launch on 17 January, 2024

Samsung Galaxy S24 series lineup launch date and availability details reportedly leaked
OnLeaks / SmartPrix

Samsung is expected to launch the Galaxy s24 series on January 17, 2024, a month earlier than usual. Previously, The South Korean tech giant company released its flagship smartphones in February this is a strategic move for earning more revenue in the first quarter of the new year.

According to reliable source TheLec, Samsung unpacked will be held in San Jose, USA 2024. It is a twist as New York is a usual place for unpacked events from Samsung. Apple and Google headquarters are located in San Jose. So, this move is believed to be purely for close collaboration with Google and tough competition with Apple. The same report also quotes a Samsung Electronics official, regarding the confirmation of release date news. However, there is no such confirmation news from giant tech company official handles on any platform. The Elec report also suggests the pre-order and shipment details of the upcoming flagship smartphone.

The Samsung Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24+, and Galaxy S24 Ultra will be up for pre-orders soon after launch on January 18 (19th - 25th for South Korea due to the time difference) 2024, as suggested by The Elec report. The enthusiastic customers will start receiving their pre-orders from 26 to 30 January. General customers will able to buy phones from 30 January onwards.

Samsung Galaxy S24 Series Expected Features

It is still two months remaining before the official release, but rumors parade about the upcoming flagship series is at its peak. It is rumored that Samsung will feature an in-house developed AI feature for Galaxy S24 first Samsung AI phone. The Galaxy S24 Ultra is expected to come with a Titanium built and 200MP camera. The upcoming flagship series smartphone will have Ultra ultra-wideband antenna on the right side of the mobile phone.

The Samsung Galaxy S24 series will start shipping towards the end of January 2024
The Galaxy S24Ultra comes with 200 MP camera 

 Some weeks ago, The tech giant company confirmed that the Galaxy S24 series come with NTN two-way satellite connectivity in emergencies for mountains, deserts, and forest where mobile signals not responding. First time we see this connectivity in Huawei and then Apple's iPhone 15 pro max. Samsung's NTN service is slightly different from typical emergency satellite service, people will able to send or receive images, videos, and real-time location through the Galaxy S24 lineup.

Samsung Galaxy S24 Series Expected Price

 Although the price of the Samsung S24 series hasn't been revealed yet, it is expected that the company will come with a previous price tag as its predecessor flagship smartphone. The Galaxy S24 is expected to start at approximately $900, while the Galaxy S24+ and Galaxy S24 Ultra may come with prices of $1000 and $1,200 respectively.

 Samsung Users will definitely enjoy a seamless and spontaneous interface on the Galaxy S24 series, as this flagship smartphone comes with Android 14-based One UI 6. From improved functionalities and smooth redesign of elements, the company shows dedication toward customers' feasibility and brings it towards next-level experience.

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