Instagram enables users to share reels and posts with 'Close Friends' Only

Instagram's new 'Close Friends' feature lets users share reels and posts with a select group of followers, fostering a private sharing. #Instagram
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Instagram enables users to share reels and posts with 'Close Friends' Only

People in the Close Friends list can see likes and comments on post and reels.   

Instagram enables users to share reels and posts with 'Close Friends' only
Image: Instagram

Instagram extends the close friends feature for posts and reels. On Tuesday, a Meta-owned social media platform announced this feature for the general public. Previously, in September, beta users saw the first glimpse of this update, but now been rolled out for everyone. X (formally known as Twitter) also introduced the ' Circle ' feature same as Close Friends but now discontinued. Instagram continues to bring expansion for her 'Close Friends' update.

This new feature lets users share the audience for their feed to 'Close Friends' only. You can see the 'green star' next to the account that added you in her reels or posts. This exciting update pays way to those users who hesitate from posting feeds due to ultimate implicit social media pressure. "We know our community already uses Close Friends as a pressure-free space to connect with the people that matter most,” Instagram said.

Instagram first rolled out the Close Friends feature back in 2018 for stories able to send stories to a small number of users specified by the user. Later on, for 'notes' also. Now, The social media platform extends this feature to reels and posts. "Sharing with your Close Friends is now expanding to Feed and Reels. More types of posts with the same smaller group", Mark Zuckerberg CEO of Meta said through his Instagram channel.

To share posts and reels for close friends only, during the creation of a post you'll need to navigate to Audience, then go to Close Friends > Done. Now your post will be visible to only your specified people in close friends. Notable, Other Peoples added to your ‘Close Friends’ list will also be able to see likes and comment on post and reels

How to share posts and reels for 'Close Friends' only in Instagram
Image: Instagram 

Beside this, Instagram also working on turning off read receipts messages for DMs. That will allow users to see messages without showing the 'seen' label under the message in DMs. Meta Verified feed is also an important coming in a few months that allow the user to see only feed of verified users a new way of advertising business accounts.

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