Samsung Internet Browser Now For Windows

The Samsung Internet Browser is now available for Windows devices! Download it from the Microsoft Store today and enjoy a fast and secure browsing
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Samsung Internet Browser Now For Windows

Eligibility criteria for downloading Samsung Internet Browser For Windows
Source: Microsoft Store

If you have a Samsung device and want to sync all your browsing data between your phone and PC, download the PC version of Samsung Internet. Samsung has finally released its popular Samsung Internet Browser for Windows, expanding its reach beyond mobile devices. Addition of new alternatives for Windows browsers.

Samsung Internet Browser for Windows behaves like a standard browser available on PC and Android versions, comes with dark mode, built-in ad blocker, incognito mode browsing equivalent to incognito mode, some additional features, smart anti-tracking, and with support. Chrome extensions. This seamless integration allows users to effortlessly sync their browsing data across their Samsung devices, ensuring a consistent and personalized browsing experience.

Samsung introduced Samsung Internet for Windows with the description simply saying, "Samsung Internet provides you with the best web browsing experience with a variety of features, and to protect your privacy."

Some features are not working properly at the moment, passwords are not syncing, extensions are not working properly, and work as a slow browser on Windows. Some users are also facing problems during installation and Samsung browser is not available when you search manually. Your device needs to meet the requirements below to download.

Eligibility criteria for Downloading Samsung Internet on Windows

If you want to use Samsung Internet on Windows, your device's operating system must meet the necessary requirements. Windows 10.0 or the latest version, Windows 11, must be installed. Your Windows device must have a 64-bit version of the operating system.

 How to Download Samsung Internet on Windows

If your device meets the eligibility criteria, you just need to follow the steps below to download Samsung Internet on Windows.

  • As of now, this app is not available through search on Microsoft Store, you have to download it by clicking this link.
  • This will take you to the official web version of the Microsoft Store. Now tap on Install.
  • Tap Open Microsoft Store when a pop-up message appears above.
  • Once you do this, you will be directed to the Microsoft Store app and a pop-up window will appear on the screen with an Install button.
  • Just hit the Install button and your download will start.
  • Now you will be able to use Samsung Internet Browser on Windows.

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