Level up your stories! Instagram introduces new customizable 'Add Yours' templates

Instagram Hidden feature for Viral Stories! Create and share custom "add your own" templates now!
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Level up your stories! Instagram introduces new customizable 'Add Yours' templates

Level up your stories! Instagram introduces new customizable 'Add Yours' templates
Image: Kinghacks365

Instagram, the social media giant app recently rolled out a new feature to increase the enhancement of users' creativity. Back in 2021, the meta-owned company introduced the Add your Sticker template 一 which provides you the ability to react to a story, but now made an extension, so you will able to add your template and share it to the story.

What is Instagram "Add Yours" templates?

The new Instagram 'Add Yours' customizable templates let you customize your template with text, phone gallery images, and GIFs, so you will able to share it as meme-able content to your' story. This will encourage the content creators to add their own twisted template to the new trend and promote more collaboration among collaborators. This also provides a fun-based activity to users by sharing some memorable and funny moments.

"Today, we're introducing the ability to create your own ad templates," Instagram head Adam Mosseri says of the new feature via his broadcast channel. "We hope this gives people more ways to express their creativity in stories and share what's on their mind."

Why do You need to use it?

  • Boost Engagement and Interaction:  

If you are a content creator and want your' content captured by more people this new "Add Yours" chain is definitely for you. Make customized templates in this way that promote healthy competition and sparkle more creative responses among friends and followers, like "Show some of your photography skills".

  • Increase creativity: 

Stop yourself from   using some common templates like "My Choice__", and create your own design that reflects your interests and topics, "Show your most exciting moment on mobile!" or "Share your cat's wow moment."

  • Going viral:

 Explore the latest trends and make prompts, such as "My reaction to the latest smartphone camera" that reflect your personal experience to get a more public response and chances of going viral, and remain in touch with the community.

How to create it?

To create your own "Add Yours" go through these simple steps:
  • Open Instagram and create a new story.
  • Add your desired content i.e. images, text, and gif to a story
  • Tap the sticker(emoji shape) icon available at the top of the screen.
  • Then Click on the "Add Yours Templates" sticker.
  • Choose your related element that you want to pin and be customizable by others for later.
  • Hit a share story button, now your followers and others will able to interpret according to their desires.
Screenshot of How to create your "Add New Template" on Instagram
Image: Instagram

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