Threads vs X: Key Differences You need to know

Threads: Close-knit groups, private chats, no ads. X: Global reach, content creation, monetization options. Which fits you? #socialmedia #threads #X
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Threads vs X: Key Differences You need to know  

Threads vs X: Key Differences You need to know

In this evolutionary world, everyone dives into social apps and expresses their life events, memories, and opinions. X (formerly known as Twitter) and Threads are the two most famous giant social media platforms used by the majority of people. Both are different in the perspectives of approaches and for targeting audiences, but used for basic real-time conversations. Let's look at a brief key differences so you can easily choose the best one that suits you.



X formerly known as Twitter after bought by Elon Musk in October 2022, the social media platform was revamped with many changes. Previously this was just a microblogging platform let to write tweets (short messages) up to 280 characters including pictures, videos, gifs, and polls, but under Musk's leadership now extends to new features and monetization models.


Threads owned by Meta launched in August 2023, is an extension to its sister app Instagram. It is integrated with DMs' Instagram promotes a close-knit community and vibe of similarity within a platform. It also encourages private and group-based connections rather than X broader reach scenario. The company recently gave users a Topic tags feature to make communities easier and dive deeper into their topic interests.

Interface and Features

X app:

Screenshot of X interface and Features

  • Energetic and Rich: X comes with a vibrant and multiple variety interface with a built-in wider range of functionalities, that attract more creators.
  • Global content: Users can easily able to participate in global content by sharing posts, text, videos, GIFs and polls. Content creators and collaborators are those people who are very pleased with this broader reach concept. 
  • Discover Trends: Provides different discovery tools like hashtags search, communities, and trending topics to easily explore and be in contact with the latest developments happening in the world right now.
  • Professional Features: Along with basic features, some professional features are provided, but just to paid subscription users only. These features include analytics, longer posts, audio and video calls.

Threads app:

Screenshot of Threads interface and Features

  1. Familiar structure: Threads provide users a simple and friendly interface as it is combined with Instagram DMs for the easiness of sharing conversations between Instagram users.
  2. Closed-tied Conversation: It works on an algorithm that supports private threaded conversations to maintain information secure between close groups.
  3. Standard Features: Supports only basic features such as text, videos, photos, and basic polls for multimedia expression but does not prioritize content creation.

Ads and Monetization:

  • Currently, threads are available as ad-free, but the company's future plan is to introduce targeted ads likely a similar approach to Instagram direct messages.
  • Also, monetization is not supported for threads users, but the giant company meta is working on monetizing threads' accounts (using ads like other meta app Instagram).
  • On the other hand, X displays ads for free users’ side by side with its original content and is also a real paradise for ad promotion.
  • To monetize an X account, users need to get a premium subscription. X provides users with three types of subscriptions:
    Premium Basic: You need to pay $3 per month to get some additional functionality like post-editing, longer posts, and encrypted DMs but still has ads in this subscription.
    Premium: This medium-tier subscription provides users with long videos, ads free, For You, and Following sections. X demands user pay $8 per month to avail of this subscription.
    Premium+: This acts like a Bonus subscription and includes all other features that are supported by the previous two subscriptions with an ad-free experience. $16 per month is required to avail this X Premium + subscription.

       Content Restriction and Privacy:

      • Threads provide users with basic privacy like Instagram provide 一 lets you set the privacy of content as who will see the thread and send messages.
      • Content moderation is very strict; in some scenarios, the app is marked as sensitive information, so you cannot post it on your account.
      • On the other hand, rival app X Under Musk's supremacy is not strict in content restriction and allows to posting of sensitive content.
        Now it depends on your choice which apps suit your taste and interests. If you want variety of features aimed at getting viral around the world, and want to earn money through ads, X is the best for you. Besides, if you look around some private and closed conversation among followers and groups, Threads is the right one for you.

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