Live Video Spaces is now available on X

X launches live video in Spaces! Host a video chat, share your screen, & interact with listeners. (Currently iOS only) #X #LiveStreaming
Estimated read time: 2 min

 Live Video Spaces is now available on X

Image: Kinghacks365

After the announcement from Elon Musk, the owner of X previously known as Twitter, X finally got a live video feature in famous audio spaces. Musk announced this feature through the repost to the post of a guy named "DogeDesigner".

In 2015, the Periscope app was launched by former Twitter stakeholders to give users the ability to capture live video and share it on Twitter, but it was later shut down in 2021. This live video feature of X Spaces is different because only the host will share the video, while other audiences are not able to share their ones. So, listeners will see his profile pictures with simple icons like in normal Audio X Spaces.

When Musk announced this feature in Dec 2023 he said, "It’s helpful to see people’s body language as they speak… It conveys more information if you can see their face and their body language if they wish to". It indicates that this feature will be a videoconferencing call like other platforms  Google Meet, Zoom, etc provides, but this just allows the host video show.

For Video spaces, you just need to Long press to + button>click spaces icon>and enable video from the session. you can also able to open the front-facing or back camera according to your choice or meeting.

Although, after Musk's takeover the Twitter, with other revampment changes, X Live video is also integrated, which allows the users to broadcast their live video which is almost similar to the Periscope, but limited to only sending hearts and comments. For going Live on X, go to + Button > Camera Icon> Live> and Go Live to begin streaming.

We accessed this feature through iOS, but it was missing when we tried to access it through Android and the web. So, it is not clear whether this feature is only for iPhone users or other users will receive it later. Stay tuned for more coverage of the live video space over the next few weeks or months, via Android or the Web, if it comes.

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