Formula 1 Meets WhatsApp: New Mercedes Race Car Emoji Now Available

F1 Fans Rejoice! WhatsApp's Race Car Emoji Now a Sleek Mercedes
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Formula 1 Meets WhatsApp: New Mercedes Race Car Emoji Now Available

Black and teal Mercedes F1 race car emoji with intricate details, launched in collaboration between WhatsApp and Mercedes-AMG Petronas
Image: WhatsApp

An exciting track for F1 fans, WhatsApp in partnership with Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 Team, redesigned their car emoji and gave it a fresh look. The new emoji featuring the Mercedes F1 racing car is now available for the mighty 2 billion WhatsApp users.

Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp announced this new emoji update via its official X (formally known as Twitter) handle. Earlier this November, Mercedes and the tech giant's messaging platform announced their partnership and the first result is an upgraded and sleeker design of WhatsApp's old car emoji. This increase seems purely to show how close the two companies are. The partnership has deepened and the term used by WhatsApp "Never forget we’re a team" also raises hopes for more exciting features with Mercedes-AMG Petronas.

This new WhatsApp race car emoji features a black and teal color scheme similar to a real-life Mercedes F1 car and even provides a highly detailed emoji with intricate details, wheels, suspension, and a sleek design.

WhatsApp's race car emoji is a great addition for F1 fans. This will let them express their love for sports during conversations in messages, group chats, and even in WhatsApp status updates in a decent fun, and creative way. 

Mercedes Formula 1 Race Car and WhatsApp Branded Race Car on City Street
Image: Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 Team

During last night's event at the Empire State Building, Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 Team  in collaboration with WhatsApp launched its WhatsApp Black Emoji car. British Formula 1 drivers Lewis Hamilton and Rauwale Jandro also attended the opening ceremony. Today, the original demo of the Emoji Black Car driven by Lewis Hamilton was also shown on NYC roads.

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