Apple again started talks with OpenAI for Generative AI features on iOS 18

Apple rekindles talks with OpenAI for AI-powered chatbots in iOS 18 (WWDC June 10th). Will iPhone compete with Samsung Galaxy AI?
Estimated read time: 2 min

Apple again started talks with OpenAI for Generative AI features on iOS 18

iOS 18 logo with Siri icon, highlighting potential for generative AI features in the new iPhone operating system.

A healthy development, Apple has reportedly reopened its talks with OpenAI, a pioneer behind the legendary AI ChatGPT. The center point where all the talk is circulating is bringing generative AI features into Apple's ecosystem.

Still, we're a month away from WWDC24, when Apple will reveal its AI strategy with the launch of its biggest update ever—iOS 18 and rumors are taking the Internet by storm. A new report by Mark Gorman suggests that the tech giant is finally re-negotiating with OpenAI to bring chatbot features to iOS 18 to power the iPhone. Earlier this year, previous talks were initiated but later slowed down.

Apple is also in talks with licensing Google's Gemini AI to power its iOS 18. Other reports also suggest that due to Google's lack of presence in China, talks are also underway with Baidu to bring generative AI to Chinese consumers. Still, the tech company couldn't decide which company model it would use. But the new report says that Apple could agree with both companies or choose a single-vendor chatbot.

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Interesting times are ahead, according to Gurman, Apple reportedly building its own entirely on-device LLMs to bring generative AI features to iOS 18. However, one downgrade of this AI model is that it will be less powerful than ChatGPT or Gemini. So, it looks like a new conversation with OpenAI or Google was meant to bridge the gap.

While the outcome of these talks is uncertain, if the deal is placed between Apple and another AI company (either OpenAI or Google) then it will enhance Apple's AI capabilities and be able to compete with its South Korean rival Samsung, which has now become a became the leader in global smartphone shipments due its Galaxy AI.

We need to wait a bit, because WWDC24 is scheduled to take place from June 10 to 14, where Apple will introduce its iOS 18, iPhones, MacBook Air, and more.

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