Apple faces Netizens backlash after compressing things ad goes viral

Apple's iPad Pro ad backfires! Netizens upset over "crushing creativity" commercial. What went wrong?
Estimated read time: 2 min

Apple faces Netizens backlash after compressing things ad goes viral 

Image: Zhiyue / Unsplash

Tech giant 一Apple is always in the limelight for its premium devices and one of the best user experiences. But now, the silicon company is in the middle of a controversy for sharing compression of old stuff during its new iPad Pro commercial.

Apple's "Let Loose" event concluded on May 7 and kept it alive by introducing the new iPad Pro, iPad Air, and Apple Pencil Pro . But for shooting a commercial, it seems the Silicon Valley giant did not fit the suit for him. An official introductory commercial shared by CEO Tim Cook introduces the iPad Pro and due to this Apple is in hot water. Many netizens criticized the company for destroying the items. Even famous Hollywood actor Hugh John Mungo Grant expresses his criticism by using the term "Destruction of the human experience. Courtesy of Silicon Valley".

The official introduction film termed "Crush" filming the iPad Pro, starts with a Metronome Clicking and then the first music we hear "Sometimes when I'm down and all alone" leads to the the room and under the light, it films the compression of all old things used by human and destroys it. And when the hydraulic compressor goes up it brings iPad Pro, and the terms we first listen to is "The Most powerful iPad ever is also the thinnest".

It is very surprising why the giant Silicon Valley needs to use the popular compression phenomenon in recent years. Is it to give a hard time to its South Korean rival Samsung?, which recently brought its latest Unpacked event to the heart of silicon and featured Mr. Beast in the official introduction of the Galaxy S24 series? It's possible that Apple wants to give its iPad world a fresh start after a one-year hiatus, but may be unable to read the trend.

So far, Apple has not made any statement regarding its compression video. After the heavy criticism of this commercial, it is hoped that the company may consider preparing a full interpretation before shooting any commercial.

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